Derzeit ist ein Townhall Q&A mit Mark Zuckerberg in Berlin und es gibt tatsächlich eine News, die über die Hate-Speach-Probleme hinaus interessant sein könnte. Was auf iOS schon eine Weile für jeden möglich ist, soll ab... | Continue reading
Brandon Smith stammt aus Houston und ist Filmemacher. Kürzlich war er in Uganda unterwegs und hat dort eine Schule besucht und seine Drohne demonstriert. Für die allermeisten der Anwesenden war es eine Premiere. Noch nie zuvor haben sie... | Continue reading
VB WEBINAR: Missed our webinar on email personalization? With email the undisputed marketing ROI leader, you won’t want to miss this panel of experts and learn how personalization can dramatically increase open rates, click-through rates (CTR), and revenue. Access the webinar fo … | Continue reading
This is part two of a two-part series showing you how to create a simple app using Android Studio. In this part we cover some advanced features and concepts including animations, variables, arrays, sounds and more. | Continue reading
Focus Home Interactive's MIA Call of Cthulhu game is back from the dead.Sherlock Holmes and Magrunner developer Frogwares was working on a video game based on Chaosium's pen & paper RPG set within H. P. Lovecraft's famously twisted universe, but that was back in 2014. We hadn't h … | Continue reading
You've already had your say on the very best Zelda games as we celebrate the series' 30th anniversary - and you did a mighty fine job too, even if I'm fairl… | Continue reading
**apologies for cross-posting**The British Library is looking for a consultant to research and write a Conservation Plan for its “Unlocking the UK’s Sound Heritage” project.Please see the invitation to tender: (Under “Opportunities and notices” click o … | Continue reading
HK$17B has been pledged by the financial secretary of Hong Kong to begin building the key infrastructure necessary to support a thriving Fintech and tech center in the city. In particular, John Tsang Chun-wah in a statement focused on fintech as an area or exploration and interes … | Continue reading
The Indian city of Mumbai has established 16 no-selfie zones in an effort to curb a spike in selfie-related incidents. As the Associated Press reports, the ban applies to areas that police consider particularly dangerous, including parts of the coastline that are not protected by … | Continue reading
Seitdem das Xiaomi Mi5 in Barcelona präsentiert wurde und von einem internationalen Launch die Rede war, ist die Hoffnung groß, dass es auch hierzulande zumindest mit dem hier üblichen LTE Band klarkommt, wenn nicht sogar offiziell... | Continue reading
For the past three years, digital advertising firm Exponential has correctly predicted the winner of the Best Picture Oscar at the Academy Awards using a model built from its treasure chest of Big Data on consumers. That would be interesting in most years to film nerds like me. B … | Continue reading
This week's top online marketing news from @toprank: Pinterest Matters, Goodbye Sidebar Ads and Facebook Reacts | Continue reading
Jahreszeiten Verlag GmbH: Hamburg (ots) - Hansjörg Falz (54) übernimmt ab sofort die Chefredaktion des Kultur- und Reisemagazins MERIAN aus dem Hamburger JAHRESZEITEN VERLAG. Er löst Andreas Hallaschka an der Spitze des seit fast 70 Jahren im Markt erfolgreichen Magazins ab, ... | Continue reading
Einige haben dieser Tage eine eigenwillige Überraschung erlebt. Plötzlich zeigte der schlafende Windows 10 Bildschirm eine Werbung. Zwar für "Rise of the Tomb Raider" aber dennoch.Ganz unerwartet kommt das nicht, denn Microsoft hat... | Continue reading
South African Tourism, Pepsi Max Cherry and Lush Cosmetics all feature in our most read story list from the past seven days. | Continue reading
After more than two and a half years in development, Google’s Project Loon is properly getting off the ground (lol) and now the company is showing off exactly how the likely final design will get into the air. “As Project Loon looks to build a ring of connectivity around the worl … | Continue reading
HTC CFO Chialin Chang has been talking up the company's upcoming One M10 smartphone, stating that it will come with a "very, very compelling camera experience." | Continue reading
“You can’t wait for inspiration, you have to go after it with a club,” Jack London once said. Creative problem-solving is a free-for-al... | Continue reading
Czas spędzony na wspólnym gotowaniu to coś co niesamowicie łączy rodzinę! Myślę, że nie ma wątpliwości, iż te pierwsze nasze posiłki odciskają w nas pewien wzór, z którym porównujemy potem większość w swoim życiu. Nie ma jak u Mamy! Smak z dzieciństwa – to hasła do których z przy … | Continue reading
Facebook boss Mark Zuckerberg has the highest approval rating of CEOs from the biggest tech companies in the United States, according to polling company Morning Consult, beating out Satya Nadella, Elon Musk, and Larry Page. But despite this positive opinion for its boss, Zuckerbe … | Continue reading
Although a lot of people active in the Bitcoin world have been saying this for a while now, it looks like digital currency pose a legitimate threat to replacing national currencies in their current form. That statement was made by Tony Richards, Head of Payments Policy Department … | Continue reading
There is a lot of talk about mindfulness and intention setting right now in the events industry, and this concept is usually translated into early morning yoga, meditation rooms, or wellness breaks. This is a very literal interpretation, and while it does promote a healthier life … | Continue reading
Just over half of Americans believe that Apple should unlock an iPhone owned by one of the San Bernardino terrorists, according to a poll published today, while 33 percent think it should not cede to the FBI's demands. The poll, conducted by the Washington, DC-based firm Morning … | Continue reading
Chinese President Xi Jinping has paid his landmark visit to EU headquarters and called for building partnerships with European countries Categories: EEN / Regional Development Where: Unknown, Germany — When: July 5, 2016 | Continue reading
Wood Products & Technology Matchmaking Event Meet your future business partner in the wood working industry Categories: EEN / Wood, Paper & Forestry Where: Gothenburg, Sweden — When: September 6–8, 2016 | Continue reading
EU B2B @Milan Design Week #Fuorisalone Meet new business partners during one of the most important design event all over the world! Categories: EEN / Creative Industries Where: Milano, Italy — When: April 13–14, 2016 | Continue reading
Regardless of industry, product, or service, running a startup is a complex endeavor. Though startup failure rates vary by industry, the general consensus is that about nine out of every 10 will fail – and poor management the primary reason. To succeed, organization is a must and … | Continue reading
Costa Kreuzfahrten: Hamburg (ots) - Mit zwei Jahren zählt Max Weber aus Stuttgart zu den jüngsten deutschen Weltreisenden von Costa Kreuzfahrten. In 98 Tagen ging es für ihn zusammen mit seinen Eltern auf der Costa Luminosa von September bis Dezember 2015 einmal um die ... | Continue reading
In Superhot, time only moves when you move. That's one hell of a sentence and it's the reason why this game currently sits so comfy in the number one spot on Steam's top sellers list. Here's a first-person shooter in which you, as Christian put it in yesterday's review, "do the s … | Continue reading
Introduction In this post I talk about three data structures I implemented to compare their performance in different scenarios. The three data structures are Trie, Ternary Search Tree and Radix Tree. All the code for the data structures as well as the tested scenarios are availab … | Continue reading
One of Apple's allures among fans is the company's attention to detail, which often makes its products just a little more thought-out than the products of its competitors — a hidden antenna here or a set of perfectly aligned slots there. A recent revelation shows this meticulousn … | Continue reading
Für all jene, die gerne Videos auf YouTube hochladen, sich aber ab und an nicht sicher sind, ob ein bestimmtes Objekt im Video wirklich gezeigt werden darf, gibt es jetzt die Möglichkeit vor der Veröffentlichung auf YouTube sich bewe... | Continue reading
Ubisoft is one of the world's biggest gaming companies, so the idea it could be targeted by a hostile takeover feels like an odd one.But that's exactly what's happening right now, as French conglomerate Vivendi gobbles up Ubisoft shares to gain ever more influence over the family … | Continue reading
After taking users into the sea and up to the top of Mont Blanc, Google has updated Street View with loads of breathtaking views inside some of the world’s most famous sports stadiums, arenas and tracks. Football fans can see what it’s like at the 40 yard line on the CenturyLink … | Continue reading
It could have been worse for all involved. In early 2006, the Interwebs were abuzz with talk of a little booklet William H. Swanson, the then Chairman and CEO of American defense contractor Raytheon, had authored. The spiral-bound booklet's title was Swanson's Unwritten Rules of … | Continue reading
OB1 CEO Brian Hoffman discusses the current infighting among bitcoin's developers and why he believes a change in thinking is needed. | Continue reading
21 Inc just announced that the 21 Bitcoin Computer is shipping to 32 countries across Europe. After last year’s $116M round, 21 Inc was flying high. But with big money comes big expectations. They did not disappoint with the release of the 21 Bitcoin Computer late last year. In … | Continue reading
Quickshipelectronics’ eBay store is currently selling the 32GB Samsung Galaxy Note 4 for just $319.99. That's quite a bargain. | Continue reading
Palma de Mallorca (ots) - Meliá erzielte 2015 ein Ergebnis vor Steuern von 101,6 Mill. Euro (+79%) / Erlös pro verfügbarem Zimmer wuchs um 15,1 Prozent, Ebitda kletterte auf 293... | Continue reading
More than 100,000 visitors flocked to Mobile World Congress (MWC) in Barcelona this week (22-25 February) to check out the latest in mobile technology from the likes of Samsung, T-Mobile and AT&T. | Continue reading
Sports retailer American Golf is to launch a new experiential show at Event City in Manchester this weekend (27-28 February). | Continue reading
Grapeseed Extract Simply Supplements recently sent me some of their Grapeseed Extract to review. I’d heard good things about this supplement before, I’d even recalled hearing it’s praises on the news before so I was curious to see what all the fuss was about. Grape seed extract i … | Continue reading
There's been a lot of talk about Firewatch and its sub-par performance on PlayStation 4 over the past few weeks and with the recent release of patch 1.02, we felt it was time to take a closer look. Frame-rate issues may not seem like a big deal for a narrative-driven adventure, b … | Continue reading
Im Kampf um die vom FBI geforderte Hintertür in iPhones, hat Apple nun einen Antrag gestellt, der besagt, dass der erforderliche Antrag des FBI einen Bruch der Verfassung darstellt.Apple nennt das, was sie für das FBI basteln sollen, ei... | Continue reading
Nintendo has lowered its annual profit forecast down from 50 billion yen to 33 billion (£316m to £208m).The reason for the reduction? Nintendo has sold less 3DS hardware and software than expected.The company has also been hit by a recent rise in the yen's value.Read more… | Continue reading
Viacom channel Nickelodeon is to host its Slimefest event in the UK for the first time. | Continue reading
Nintendo has slashed its profit estimate for the financial year by more than 50 percent amid slowing sales and a strong yen. In an announcement today [PDF], the Japanese firm lowered its net profit forecast from 35 billion yen ($310 million) to 17 billion yen ($151 million). Read … | Continue reading