NBCUniversal übernimmt DreamWorks Animation

Die Gerüchte sind offenbar wahr: Das Unterhaltungsimperium NBCUniversal, das zu Comcast gehört, übernimmt DreamWorks Animation für umgerechnet 3,33 Mrd. Euro. Damit würden so erfolgreiche Franchises wie Shrek, How To Train... | Continue reading

@de.engadget.com | 8 years ago

How your personal brand can stand out in crazy-competitive spaces

It’s a common misconception that personal branding is reserved for authors, speakers or those looking to become well-known personalities. In our digitally savvy world, where potential clients, investors and employers are just as apt to look you up on Facebook or Google search you … | Continue reading

@thenextweb.com | 8 years ago

Mini czekoladowe babeczki z bitą śmietaną i truskawkami

Jednym z Waszych ulubionych czekoladowych ciast jest opadające ciasto czekoladowe, zwane też "czekoladową chmurą". Przygotowanie jest banalnie proste (podobne do brownie) a smak idealny. Dzisiaj proponuję Wam wersję mini tego deseru, z truskawkami i granatem (uważam, że jest to ś … | Continue reading

@kwestiasmaku.com | 8 years ago

DtGV und N24 küren CHECK24-Mietwagenvergleich zum Testsieger

München (ots) - CHECK24.de wird Gesamtsieger mit "sehr gut" vor Billiger-Mietwagen.de und Mietwagen-Check.de / nach Stiftung Warentest, FOCUS-MONEY und Clever reisen! erzielt... | Continue reading

@presseportal.de | 8 years ago

Google begins beta testing a new smart travel app

Google is working on a new travel app that stores your itinerary offline and offers up travel and attraction tips, but it's currently in beta testing. | Continue reading

@androidauthority.com | 8 years ago

Can tech teach kids to teach themselves? XPRIZE, Google, and the UN team up to find out

Hundreds of millions of kids around the world lack access to, among other things, basic education — much less organized school systems with adequate teaching resources. XPRIZE is hoping that tech can help where humanitarian efforts have yet to make a dent — and putting $15 millio … | Continue reading

@techcrunch.com | 8 years ago

Social Media Marketing Tools: Cost versus Depth of Features

Social media management tool market is still in its infancy, and the fact that the state of social media itself changes so quickly, it is clear that the market is yet to settle. | Continue reading

@rightmixmarketing.com | 8 years ago

Total War: Warhammer dev backtracks over controversial Chaos Warriors DLC

The Chaos Warriors DLC, which allows players to control the Chaos race in Total War: Warhammer, will now be free to everyone that purchases the game within the first seven days.The DLC was originally planned as a pre-order incentive, something that upset Total War fans who were d … | Continue reading

@eurogamer.net | 8 years ago

Japan Sees a New Blockchain Industry Consortium Established

Japan’s first blockchain industry organization, the Blockchain Collaborative Consortium (BCCC), sees 34 companies as founding members coming together. BCCC will help promote blockchain solutions and innovation to the public as well as working with other blockchain organizations f … | Continue reading

@cryptocoinsnews.com | 8 years ago

How to Listen, for a Change

“When people talk, listen completely. Most people never listen.” [Ernest Hemingway] Listening has become a rare skill. In a visual and written world we are losing our ability to pay close attention to what we hear so we can respond to what is happening in new ways. We react to si … | Continue reading

@conversationagent.com | 8 years ago

Jazz drumming to Super Smash Bros. is better than any commentary

I usually have a hard time following competitive Super Smash Bros. matches, but honestly, they make so much more sense when accompanied by some freeform jazz drumming. The video above shows what a perfect pairing this is — with drummer Caleb Goss providing a soundtrack to a Janua … | Continue reading

@theverge.com | 8 years ago

Key trends in the evolution of intelligent assistance

GUEST: Personal assistants and software bots have enjoyed significant buzz in recent months. New assistants are launched every week, and the Slack App Store already lists more than 40 bots. Working with Opus Research, we have published an update of the Intelligent Assistance Land … | Continue reading

@venturebeat.com | 8 years ago

Sony sells fewer phones, makes more money in 2015

Sony has posted a record profit margin – the best in almost a decade – despite selling 20% fewer phones in 2015. Here's why it doesn't add up. | Continue reading

@androidauthority.com | 8 years ago

Google will Auto gemeinsam mit Fiat Chrysler bauen

Auch die größten Player im Silicon Valley wissen, ein Auto zu bauen, ist gar nicht so einfach, soll es denn sicher, langlebig und vor allem gut zu fahren sein. Daher plant, so berichtet unter anderem der Wall Street Journal, Alphabet ei... | Continue reading

@de.engadget.com | 8 years ago

Samsung announces Galaxy J5 (2016) and Galaxy J7 (2016) for South Korea

Samsung has officially announced the 2016 variants of the Galaxy J5 and Galaxy J7 for South Korea. Details and pricing within! | Continue reading

@androidauthority.com | 8 years ago

Closing the gate

Sooner or later, tribes begin to exclude interested but unaffiliated newcomers. It happens to religious sects, to surfers and to online communities as well. Nascent groups with open arms become mature groups too set in their ways to evangelize and... | Continue reading

@sethgodin.typepad.com | 8 years ago

Top five experiential stories of the week

Estrella, Tropicana and Game of Thrones activity made it into our most read story roundup of the past week. | Continue reading

@eventmagazine.co.uk | 8 years ago

1910 Semi-Detached Cottage Adapted for a Young Extended Family

Architect Philip Stejskal adapted a 1910 semi-detached cottage for a young extended family, in Fremantle,Western Australia. | Continue reading

@homeworlddesign.com | 8 years ago

Elon Musk now has a heavy metal tribute band

What sort of music do you imagine Elon Musk listens to when he's looking over SpaceX rocket designs at home? Smooth jazz, perhaps? Some country, or show tunes? No. When Musk is hanging out in his secret lair with his secret robot butlers he turns to one genre: power metal. Only p … | Continue reading

@theverge.com | 8 years ago

The Little Black Book Of Facebook Advertising For Events

Facebook is the largest social network in the world. With more monthly active users than WhatsApp, Twitter and Instagram combined, it makes sense to explore how you can use the platform to sell more tickets to your event and excite attendees leading up to the day. The amount of p … | Continue reading

@eventmanagerblog.com | 8 years ago

Hearthstone's Whispers of the Old Gods rewrites the game with a single card

Hearthstone is no stranger to change. Between its official launch two years ago and the latest milestone of 50m players, it has been regularly refreshed by drops of new cards. But this week's arrivals of the game's Standard play mode, where only the past two years of cards can be … | Continue reading

@eurogamer.net | 8 years ago

Carrot & Coriander Soup (Vegan)

Carrot & Coriander Soup: A spring essential! My version is fat-free, quick and super duper simple to make. It’s actually embarrassing how easy it is to put together. And it’s even more embarrassing that it’s only 70 calories per serving! Which makes it an absolutely perfect start … | Continue reading

@wallflowergirl.co.uk | 8 years ago

Modders are already having fun with Sega Mega Drive classics on Steam

Steam's new Sega Mega Drive Classics Hub only launched yesterday, but modders are already having their fun with it.The hub ads Steam Workshop support to all Mega Drive games on Valve's platform. This lets you share and download mods for those games.And what mods are already avail … | Continue reading

@eurogamer.net | 8 years ago

Microsoft has created its own IFTTT tool called Flow

If This Then That (IFTTT) is an incredibly popular tool that enables features for web services like Twitter to generate an email through automation and lots more. Microsoft appears to be working on a similar tool for businesses to create automated workflows. Twitter user h0x0d di … | Continue reading

@theverge.com | 8 years ago

Great Journey: Honda träumt sich durch die autonome Zukuft

Spricht man heute von autonomen Autos geht es eher darum, bislang bekannte Alltagssituationen wie Parken, Stop and Go oder Stadtverkehr zu automatisieren. Der japanische Automobilhersteller Honda geht mit dem Projekt "The Great Journey" einen Schri... | Continue reading

@de.engadget.com | 8 years ago

Nexus 5X 16GB selling on eBay for just $240 with shipping – while supplies last, so act fast!

A killer deal has appeared on eBay: for just $240 interested customers can get a Nexus 5X (16GB/Black) with free shipping! Supplies are limited! | Continue reading

@androidauthority.com | 8 years ago

Bitcoin Price Watch; Here’s What’s on this Morning

It is the end of the week, and the bitcoin price looks to have settled down somewhat having experienced quite a lot of  volatility across past few days. The range that we defined yesterday morning has not yet been broken, and just as we did last night, we’re going to keep it in p … | Continue reading

@newsbtc.com | 8 years ago

Google’s self-driving cars are inches away from being made by Fiat Chrysler

Google is reportedly in the late stages of talks with Fiat Chrysler on an “advanced technical partnership” to produce autonomous vehicles. | Continue reading

@androidauthority.com | 8 years ago

Google will livestream the Republican convention, despite anti-Trump protests

Google will be the official livestream provider at the Republican National Convention, the company confirmed to Politico this week. The search giant will also provide virtual reality tools and real-time data on election trends during the GOP convention, though rights groups have … | Continue reading

@theverge.com | 8 years ago

Blizzard fixes Hearthstone glitch that gave your hero Taunt

Yesterday, Hearthstone players discovered a card had gone wrong. Using a simple technique, you could give your hero character the ability to Taunt.This morning, Blizzard has sprung into action and fixed it. But video evidence of the eye-opening exploit remains.Taunt is an ability … | Continue reading

@eurogamer.net | 8 years ago

Travelers, personalized tours, and bootstrapping in Lisbon

Every startup has a story to tell. From the conception of an idea, to the first lines of code, early hires, and preliminary funding rounds – every company has a unique narrative. But there are always shared experiences. Processes, tactics and habits that shape the experience of t … | Continue reading

@thenextweb.com | 8 years ago

13th Beach Courtyard House by Auhaus Architecture

Beach Courtyard House is a project completed by Auhaus Architecture with interior design conceived by Nina Provan. The house is located on ... | Continue reading

@homeworlddesign.com | 8 years ago

Three experiential events to watch next week

Boots' petal party, and pop-ups from Langley's Gin and Cadbury will be available to check out next week. | Continue reading

@eventmagazine.co.uk | 8 years ago

What Are Google AdWords Sitelinks?

Sitelinks are a great tool to help strengthen your AdWords ads. Learn some best practices and how to set them up in your account today! | Continue reading

@portent.com | 8 years ago

Twitter für iPhone jetzt offiziell News-App

Bei Twitter läuft es weiterhin nicht so gut wie erwartet, wenn es um Wachstum und Einnahmen geht. Das wird auch der Grund sein, wieso das Produkt seit kurzem anders beworben wird als bislang. Beim Apple App Store wird nämlich die App f&uu... | Continue reading

@de.engadget.com | 8 years ago

Episode 077 — Physical Goods

Ben and James follow-up on last week’s Apple services discussion and take a look at Apple’s earnings. Then a discussion of the European Commissions investigation of Google for antitrust, and a debate about how antitrust regulation needs to change, if at all. Links Episode 076: Ap … | Continue reading

@exponent.fm | 8 years ago

NORDSEE feiert Jubiläum: Europas führender Fischexperte wird 120 Jahre alt

Nordsee GmbH: Bremerhaven (ots) - NORDSEE, der europaweite Kompetenz- und Qualitätsführer in der Fisch-Systemgastronomie, feiert 120 Jahre Fischgenuss. Mit einer beeindruckenden Historie, langjähriger Fisch-Kompetenz und hohem Kundenvertrauen hat NORDSEE die ... | Continue reading

@presseportal.de | 8 years ago

The FBI might soon be allowed to hack any computer in the world

The US Supreme Court has approved a change in Rule 41 of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, so judges across the country now have the authority to issue warrants for remote electronic searches outside their district. That means that a judge can grant an FBI agent in, say, N … | Continue reading

@thenextweb.com | 8 years ago

Jeep expands Tough Mudder activity with new pop-up area

Jeep has announced that it is sponsoring the 2016 UK Tough Mudder events, which kick off this weekend (30 April-1 May). | Continue reading

@eventmagazine.co.uk | 8 years ago

Dla dzieci. Nowe zabawki.

Jeśli chodzi o zabawki – nie jestem najlepszą matką. Czasem aż mi głupio, kiedy widzę na zdjęciach pokoje dzieci, w których jest ich dużo. Ale moje dzieci zabawkami bawią się po prostu mało albo wcale. Te trafione jednak służą nam wyjątkowo długo. Tak jest np. z drewnianą kuchnią … | Continue reading

@whiteplate.com | 8 years ago

Google Trips: Erste Reise-App aus Mountain View geleakt

Google arbeitet offensichtlich an einer eigenen Reise-App, die eine Mix aus Google Maps und Google Now ist. Vorausssichtlich wird die App einfach nur Trips heißen und befindet sich noch in der geheimen Betaphase, einige Screenshots sind aber... | Continue reading

@de.engadget.com | 8 years ago

Buchtipp: Open Tourism

„Open Tourism. Open Innovation, Crowdsourcing and Co-Creation Challenging the Tourism Industry“ von Roman Egger, Igor Gula und und Dominik Walcher  (2016) beinhaltet einen aktuellen Überblick über Methoden, Anwendungen und Beispiele für die Verwendung von Social Media im Tourismu … | Continue reading

@tp-blog.at | 8 years ago

Studie: Ferienhausportale 2016 / Große Angebotsunterschiede - Fernziele keine Seltenheit - Service insgesamt "gut" - Testsieger ist Tourist-online.de

Deutsches Institut für Service-Qualität: Hamburg (ots) - Sommerurlaub im Ferienhaus statt im Touristenhotel? Nicht nur für viele Familien ist dies heute eine echte Reisealternative. Und informieren und buchen klappt auch per Mausklick: Ferienhausportale sind - nicht zuletzt wegen … | Continue reading

@presseportal.de | 8 years ago

The Walking Dead: Michonne review

The Walking Dead: Michonne's leading lady has a lot bearing down on her. She needs to survive a zombie apocalypse, find a reason to go on living after her daughters allegedly died in a walker attack she was absent for, and, most arduously, prove to us that Telltale's spin-off of … | Continue reading

@eurogamer.net | 8 years ago

Expert Inbound Marketing Strategies for SaaS World

Marketing remains one of the biggest challenges for Software as a Service (SaaS) startups. Although the industry has seen significant growth in the past decade, with a compounded annual growth rate of 19.5 percent, individual companies report branding and market penetration as ke … | Continue reading

@alltop | 8 years ago

Jestem działkowcem. Jak szukałam swojej wymarzonej działki.

Mój poprzedni wpis na temat działkowania spotkał się z Waszą żywiołową reakcją. Nie spodziewałam się, że odzew będzie aż tak duży i tak pozytywny. Dostałam też wiele maili na ten temat, więc podzielę się z Wami tym, jak szukałam swojej wymarzonej działki. Od kilku dni jestem szcz … | Continue reading

@whiteplate.com | 8 years ago

Movidius packs plug-and-play AI into a USB stick

If you’re looking to add artificial intelligence to a hardware project for doing things like sensing objects in an enviroment or understand voice commands, Movidius’ new Fathom USB stick might be just the thing. The company is known for its Myriad 2 deep learning chip that allows … | Continue reading

@thenextweb.com | 8 years ago

Watch Edward Snowden’s first-ever music video

We reported two weeks ago that whistleblower Edward Snowden was collaborating with producer Jean-Michel Jarre on a techno track called ‘Exit’. The song now has a music video to go with it, and you can watch it here. Given Snowden’s background of exposing governmental surveillance … | Continue reading

@thenextweb.com | 8 years ago