The Galaxy A7 (2017) features Bixby in South Korea

In its home country, Samsung has released a version of the Samsung Galaxy A7 (2017) that features the Bixby digital assistant. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Bitcoin Price Watch; A Return To Action

Here's a look at what we are focusing on in the bitcoin price this morning. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Gęsta zupa z bobem, ziemniakami, koperkiem i groszkiem cukrowym

*  *  * Groszek cukrowy, bób, świeży koperek, fasolka szparagowa, ogórki małosolne, młode ziemniaki i schłodzona maślanka. Łapię się na tym, że kupuję to w kółko Macieju! Ale nic mi tak nie smakuję, jak najprostsze potrawy – szczególnie o tej porze roku. Dzisiejsza zupa jest troc … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Neue Scan-Methode für 3D-Modelle

Wohin das noch führen wird? Auf der Siggraph 2017 wird eine internationale Forschergruppe einen neuartigen Ansatz für 3D-Scans vorführen: Sie tauchen dreidimensionale Scanstücke in verschiedenen Winkeln in eine Flüssigkeit ein... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Tech giants rally today in support of net neutrality

Technology giants like Amazon, Spotify, Reddit, Facebook, Google, Twitter and many others are rallying today in a so-called “day of action” in support of net neutrality, five days ahead of the first deadline for comments on the US Federal Communications Commission’s planned rollb … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Rock Band 4 gets 17-minute DLC track

Forget Freebird, move over DragonForce. Rock Band 4 just added the 17-minute classic In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida.The '60s acid rock classic, originally released by Iron Butterfly, costs slightly more than normal due to its extraordinary length - nearly four times that of a standard Rock B … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Etihad Airlines Lets Passengers Bid To Sit Beside An Empty Seat

Anyone who has ever boarded a long haul flight sitting in the economy cabin knows that moment of fleeting hope … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Here's a sad list of iPhone 8 features Apple is reportedly struggling with

Not all is well at Apple's iPhone division — if you believe the rumors, that is. A slew of reports this and last week point at various features in the upcoming, OLED-screened iPhone 8 — or the iPhone Pro, or iPhone X, or whatever its name will be — that are causing problems for A … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

A wristband with your medical records could be a life-saver in emergencies

No one ever wants to imagine getting caught in some sort of emergency situation. But, if the unfortunate event occurs, we all want the best care possible.That includes medical professionals working as quickly as possible to figure out what's wrong and help you. WRIXO, a cloud-bas … | Continue reading | 7 years ago


Gruner+Jahr, Gala: Hamburg (ots) - Bewerbungsstart für innovative Konzepte, Produkte, Luxus-Hotels und Spa-Locations / Einführung der Kategorie 'Medical & Health Concepts' Ab sofort startet die Bewerbungsphase für die 22. GALA SPA AWARDS. Dann haben Unternehmen, ... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Nap capsules pop up in sleep-deprived, overworked China

For a mere $1.50 per half hour, a new capsule napping service is beckoning to sleep-deprived workers in busy Chinese cities.Targeted at white-collar workers, users unlock each self-service capsule at Xiangshui Space with an app, climb in, and — after a refreshing nap — lock it on … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Rainbow Six Siege deploys update to add loot boxes

Ubisoft is adding loot boxes to Rainbow Six Siege in an update rolling out from today.Patch 2.1.1. introduces Alpha Packs, a "chance-based loot system". Ubisoft gave players a heads up the blind boxes would be added earlier this year, although they've taken a while to materialise … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Deutscher Hotelmarkt auf dem besten Weg zu hohem Transaktionsvolumen in 2017 - Einzeltransaktionen im ersten Halbjahr nehmen deutlich zu

Jones Lang LaSalle SE (JLL): Frankfurt (ots) - Einzeltransaktionen bestimmten zur Jahresmitte nach Informationen von JLL wieder verstärkt das Investmentgeschehen auf dem deutschen Hotelmarkt. Obwohl also im laufenden Jahr großvolumige Hotelportfolios - wie etwa der Verkauf des .. … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Fintech startup Curve raises $10 million to combine all your bank cards into one

U.K.-based fintech startup Curve has raised $10 million in a series A round of investment from Santander InnoVentures, Investec, Connect Ventures, Oxford Capital, and a host of individual investors. Founded out of London in 2015, Curve offers a mobile app and bank card that aggre … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

In pictures: Game of Thrones White Walkers descend on Britain

Sky celebrated the launch of the latest Game of Thrones season by releasing White Walkers on the streets of Britain. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

TechCrunch London Pitch-Off: Here are the startups who’ll pitch!

On 19 July we’re hosting the TechCrunch Meetup + Pitch-Off in London, in partnership with Unbound. — and it’s going to be great! Tickets are still available, so grab yours today. You’ll get to see 10 companies pitching and fiercely competing for first place. These startups will h … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Your Attendees Are Livestreaming – What Are You Doing About It?

Over half of the United States is watching livestreamed video on a regular basis. Now is the time for eventprofs to take back TV. If you’re not livestreaming your events, why not? Recent research by the consultancy firm, Magid, has found that a majority of US internet users (56%) … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Japan's Bic Camera to Accept Bitcoin Payments at All Stores

Following a successful trial, the Japanese consumer electronics retailer is expanding its bitcoin payment option to all stores nationwide.Source | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Audience engagement and reading promotion in European Book Fairs

Aldus invited European Book Fairs to tell about their initiatives and collaborations in the field of audience engagement and reading promotion, by answering some questions: What are the most interesting and.. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Stranger Things kehrt am 27. Oktober zurück

Noch ist das finale Urteil über Stranger Things - Geniestreich oder Streichwurst - nicht gefällt, da wird schon die zweite Staffel angekündigt: Laut Netflix' Twitterkonto beginnt die zweite Runde am 27. Oktober. Weitere Details: Keine.... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Two startups from the EIT Digital ecosystem selected as finalists for 'Dutch start-up of the year'

The Dutch ICT-magazine Computable has shortlisted two Dutch scaleups in the EIT Digital ecosystem - Storro and Plugify - as potential winners of the annual Computable Award for best startup inthe Netherlands. The winner will be revealed on October... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Trasferimento uffici a Palazzo Leonetti Luparini

TRASFERIMENTO SERVIZIO TRIBUTI E SPORTELLO DEL CITTADINO Al via il trasloco nella nuova sede di Palazzo Leonetti Luparini   Chiuso al pubblico il Servizio Tributi fino a lunedì 24 luglio, fatta eccezione per l’ufficio Imposta di Soggiorno. La chiusura è stata disposta per consent … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Eurostar unveils onboard VR experience

Eurostar has unveiled its first onboard virtual reality (VR) experience, Eurostar Odyssey, which uses smartphone headsets to take passengers to the depths of the sea bed. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

In search of the minimum viable audience

Of course everyone wants to reach the maximum audience. To be seen by millions, to maximize return on investment, to have a huge impact. And so we fall all over ourselves to dumb it down, average it out, pleasing everyone...        | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Nintendo Switch is getting its first video app

Switch is getting its first media app - but only in Japan.NicoNico, a Japanese video-sharing platform similar to YouTube, will launch its Switch app later this week. You won't be able to download it in Europe unless you have a Japanese account. The app's launch is still significa … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Mid-range battle: LG Q6 vs Samsung Galaxy A5 (2017)

We take a closer look at how the LG Q6 series stacks up against the Samsung Galaxy A5 (2017). | Continue reading | 7 years ago

BKA warnt vor dummdreister Betrugsmasche

Das Bundeskriminalamt warnt vor einer besonders dreisten Betrugsmasche. Betrüger verschicken Briefe, die der Aufmachung nach vom BKA stammen, inklusive Logo und Briefkopf. Darin werden die Empfänger vor angeblichen Wohnungseinbrechern gewarnt,... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Pepsi stages photo-based sampling activity

Pepsi is launching its Pepsi Max Ginger flavour with a photo-based sampling activity at UK universities. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Moto E4 and Moto E4 Plus launched in India

In a press event in New Delhi, Motorola Mobility launched the next generation of its Moto E budget smartphones - Moto E and Moto E4 Plus - in India today. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

New lip-sync tech generates scary-accurate video using audio clips

I’m not saying you should be afraid of the future, but… okay, that’s exactly what I’m saying. A group of researchers from the University of Washington has developed a method to take an audio clip of someone speaking and generate a frighteningly realistic lip-synced video with it. … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

There's Nothing Bipartisan About Medicaid Cuts

With Republican senators’ Affordable Care Act replacement, the  Better Care Reconciliation Act drawing as little as 12 percent approval nationwide—and even majorities of Republicans disapproving of their assault on Medicaid—it is understandable that the plan’s defenders would be … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Growing Cheaper Embryos for IVF Inside the Vagina

As the number of U.S. babies born as a result of fertility treatment tops 1 million—an all-time high—clinics are under pressure to keep up to date with pricey lab equipment that can create, develop, and test embryos. But some fertility doctors have started to offer a new low-tech … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

iDice Token to Get Listed on Popular Crypto Exchanges, the Ethereum-based gambling Dapp has confirmed the listing of its token on some popular exchanges by the next week. The announcement, which appeared first on the company’s Twitter handle, revealed no more details. But the inclusion of iDice token into the “bigger exchan … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Twitter’s new CFO is former Goldman Sachs and Intuit exec Ned Segal

(Reuters) — Twitter on Tuesday hired Ned Segal, senior vice president of finance at Intuit and a former managing director at Goldman Sachs Group, as its chief financial officer beginning in late August. Anthony Noto, who has been serving as Twitter’s CFO and chief operating offic … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Versicherungstipp: Rettungsgasse bei Unfall - Wie verhalte ich mich richtig?

CosmosDirekt: Saarbrücken (ots) - - Laut einer aktuellen forsa-Umfrage wissen 50 Prozent der deutschen Autofahrer nicht, wie man auf einer dreispurigen Straße eine Rettungsgasse bildet. - CosmosDirekt-Experte Frank Bärnhof gibt Tipps für den ... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Arms update adds plenty while removing the most controversial stage from ranked play

Arms version 2.0, the biggest update to Nintendo's Switch exclusive, is now live, bringing with it a suite of big changes and addition. New character Max Brass - who previously served as one of the bosses in the single-player Grand Prix mode - is the headline, but he's joined by … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

'Street Fighter IV Champion Edition' Review - A Classic Mobile Fighter Gets a Fresh Coat of Paint

For being arguably the most well-known fighting game franchise in the world, Street Fighter has a pretty weird history on mobile. If you're interested in a bit of that history, well, read on my friends. If you're here just to read about the nuts and bolts of the Street Fighter IV … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Honor 9: mehr als 1 Million verkaufte Geräte

Nur zwei Wochen nach der Vorstellung in Berlin meldet die Huawei-Tochter Honor, dass weltweit bereits mehr als eine Million Exemplare des Honor 9 verkauft werden konnten. Das Smartphone war vor der europäischen Präsentation mehr oder weniger... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Trainline now gives you real-time train information in France

 Trainline’s European service (formerly known as Captain Train) is becoming your one-stop shop for French trains. The company has partnered with SNCF to get real-time data about trains, delays and your current location. You had to use SNCF’s official app before to get this kind o … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

DASH/USD and LTC/USD Technical Analysis July 12, 2017

Hello and welcome to News BTC’s Market Outlook July 12. DASH/USD DASH initially fell on Tuesday, but found support just above the $150 level. This was vital, because quite frankly this was a major support level. After the significant fall that we have seen for the last several se … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Samsung Next expands its $150 million investment vehicle to include early-stage European startups

Samsung has revealed plans to begin plowing money into early-stage European startups, a move that comes just months after the Korean electronics giant launched a $150 million funding pot via a newly branded investment vehicle called Samsung Next. Previously known as the Samsung G … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Poken: Making Tradeshows Smarter [Review]

Poken offers a suite of tools to improve exhibition ROI and enhance the event visitor experience, via smart badges and intelligent lead capture technology. Here is our review. ##abovethefold## Poken Smart Tradeshow: What Is It? Poken’s event technology platform aims to make trade … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Amazon Alexa and Smart Speakers Are the Next iPhone

New research shows how Amazon Alexa and smart speakers are making themselves indispensable in our lives, just like the iPhone did 10 years ago. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

13 years later, Spider-Man 2's swinging has never been bettered - here's its story

Treyarch's Spider-Man 2 was first released on 28 June 2004. More than 13 years later, it still holds up as a yardstick for both Spider-Man and superhero video games. But it's not the combat people remember. It's not the balloon kid or pizza delivery side missions. It's not the am … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Know Apple’s iOS 11 before it’s even released — for only $29

The Complete iOS 11 Developer Course and iOS Mastery training bundle ($29, over 90 percent off from TNW Deals) is ready to give you a leg up right now, long before alerts for iOS 11 updates start landing in Apple customers’ dialogue boxes. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

ETH/USD and ETH/BTC Technical Analysis July 12, 2017

Hello and welcome to News BTC’s Market Outlook July 12. ETH/USD Ethereum had a rough start to the Tuesday session, but found buyers near the $170 level. In fact, we found enough buyers that we turned around and bounced over the $200 handle. Because of the action, it looks like th … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

BTC/USD and BTC/JPY Technical Analysis July 12, 2017

Hello and welcome to News BTC’s Market Outlook July 12. BTC/USD Bitcoin fell a bit during the day on Tuesday, but found enough support above the $2200 level to turn around and show signs of life again. Because of this, it’s likely that we will continue to see buyers jump into thi … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

​​​​​​​Ultrasone NAOS: Audiowandler für Smartphones vorgestellt

Ultrasone hat für August NAOS angekündigt, den ersten HighRes-Audiowandler des Unternehmens, der sich ob der kleinen Abmaße und Schnittstellen vor allem für mobile Geräte eignet, also Smartphones, Tablets und Laptops. Die... | Continue reading | 7 years ago