NATO could be forced to respond to the Petya attack, says new report

In the wake of last week’s massive Petya ransomware attack in Eastern Europe, researchers are reaching consensus that the incident was a politically-motivated cyberattack. According to CNBC, the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence (CCD COE) recently put out a stat … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Apple continues Asia expansion with its first retail store in Taiwan

 Apple has continued to expand its retail footprint in Asia after the iPhone-maker opened its first store in Taiwan this weekend. The inaugural Apple Store is located in Taipei 101, a landmark skyscraper in Taipei, and it is staffed with an initial workforce of 130 employees, App … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Microsoft is laying off ‘thousands’ of staff in a major global sales reorganization

 Microsoft is poised to layoff thousands of employees worldwide in a move to reorganize its salesforce.A source with knowledge of the planned downsizing told TechCrunch that the U.S. firm would lay off “thousands” of staff across the world. The restructuring is set to include an … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

How this year’s tech IPOs have fared so far

 Blue Apron has finally gone public, and we’re at about the halfway point of the year. We’ve seen a lot of IPOs for the first half of 2017, which followed a huge drought last year.All this started when Snap opened up the so-called “IPO window” when it made its debut with a bang, … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Game of Thrones’ sound designer on creating the ‘sensual’ relationship between Daenerys and her favorite dragon

Game of Thrones sound designer Paula Fairfield found herself explaining the basic function of her job at a Saturday morning Con of Thrones panel called “Bringing Westeros to Life.”As part of Game of Thrones sound team — which includes the people responsible for music, dialogue, a … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

The Silicon Valley blacklist

 What a year (life?) it’s been for white women, people of color and nonbinary people in tech. First, engineer Susan Fowler came forward about her time at Uber, where she says the company ignored her numerous reports of sexual harassment. Then, 3 female founders came forward about … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

What the Media Got Right in Reporting on the Murder of Bianca Nikol Roberson

Typically the media presents information about crimes committed against Black Americans with bias. I was actually excited to see that the majority of the media sites handled the murder of Bianca Nikol Roberson with fairness and accuracy. They didn’t make the focus her being black … | Continue reading

@alltop | 7 years ago

The Lamborghini Aventador S is music for an ultra-luxury car lover's ears

From up above, I spotted the trio of Lamborghinis parked in formation. The unmistakable sharp, angular forms cast in red, white, and blue sparkled in the sunshine. My heart jumped as the helicopter descended onto the Poconos Raceway in Pennsylvania. The effect was as it was orche … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Clean up and protect your devices with 2TB of ultra-secure cloud storage — only $59.99

They stack up like old magazines in your doctor’s office. A new app, a dozen pictures from your weekend, a quick downloaded video or two… before you know it, your smartphone, tablet or laptop is awash in extraneous files that can ultimately slow your device down to a crawl. Get o … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

UK Businessman behind Bitcoin Store Charged with Securities Fraud

An English businessman, Renwick Haddow has been charged by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission for securities fraud. According to reports, Haddow was promoting a fraudulent cryptocurrency trading platform, causing losses to unsuspecting investors. Haddow, who has … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Must read: top 10 Android stories

This week we went hands-on with the Honor 9 and Moto Z2 Play, reviewed the Xperia XZ Premium, and discussed future smartphone technology. Here's the news of the week! | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Donald Trump Is Testing Twitter’s Harassment Policy

The rules are simple, okay? No threats of violence. No targeted abuse or harassment. No inciting anybody else to engage in targeted abuse or harassment. No hateful conduct.Now think about Donald Trump’s tweeting habits. Is he breaking those rules, which come from Twitter’s terms … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Men in Black’s best scene doesn’t have any special effects

Twenty years ago, Barry Sonnenfeld gave the world Men in Black, a science fiction comedy perhaps best remembered for its music video, featuring Will Smith dancing alongside a computer-animated space alien. But what I remember most fondly is a low-stakes scene with no special effe … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Asus Chromebook Flip C101 könnte bald kommen

Es ist schon eine Weile her, da hatte ASUS den Nachfolger seines Chromebook Flip, das ASUS Chromebook Flip C101, auf der Computex gezeigt, eine offizielle Ankündigung gibt es aber bis heute nicht.Allerdings ist es in den diversesten Online-Shops... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Dogs will love this chew toy that smells just like you

Studies show dogs cope with separation anxiety by keeping an object with their owner's scent nearby. The Smelly Sock allows a dog to play with an item carrying that scent while protecting it from damage. Read more...More about Kickstarter, Dogs, Dog, Inventions, and Invention | Continue reading | 7 years ago

The future of the iPhone camera: 5x zoom, AI-powered, amazing in low light

The history of smartphone photography is a never-ending chase after features of full-sized cameras while keeping the actual camera modules slim enough to fit a thin phone case. Impossibly and amazingly, the smartphone is winning this battle. A modern smartphone still can’t replac … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

488.Schützenfest: 150.000 BesucherInnen beim Schützenausmarsch in Hannover (FOTO)

Schützenfest Hannover: Hannover (ots) - Im "Doubliertritt, Marsch!" hieß es heute, am 2. Juli 2017 um 10.00 Uhr wieder, als Schützenpräsident Paul-Eric Stolle den traditionellen Ausmarsch der Schützen ausrief und die 10.000 TeilnehmerInnen auf die dreieinhalb Kilometer ... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Santa Fe House Designed for Living with a Contemporary Art Collection

This Santa Fe house was designed around specific works of art including pieces by Ellsworth Kelly, Kiki Smith, Richard Serra and Donald Judd. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Craig Wright Craves the Spotlight, Claims he Will Make Bitcoin Scale to Become a Global Network

The Bitcoin community is not too pleased with Craig Wright, for obvious reasons. Now that he tries to get the spotlight again, that situation won't change. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Cry ‘Havoc!’, and let slip the dogs of lulz

 Well, why not? I mean, you know, what the hell. Dave Aitel’s proposal over at The Hill for “a cyber investigatory setup funded by private industry” to react to hacks into the American government may not be a good idea, per se, but who can afford that kind of cost-benefit analysi … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

LG G6 Mini soll LG Q6 heißen

Es ist schon eine Weile her, dass wir vom LG G6 Mini gehört haben. Die Details waren damals: 5,4-Zoll 18:9 Display und nahezu identisches Design.Nun gibt es ein paar neue Infos zu dem Gerät, das bei der FCC scheinbar unter diversen Modellnummern... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

KPN Safe Lock: Fahrradschloss mit Handysperre

Derzeit wird in den Niederlanden, bekanntlich ein Fahrradparadies, ein neues Fahrradschloss geteste, das sich nur mit einer App öffnen lässt. Soweit nicht sonderlich ungewöhnlich. Der Clou hier aber ist, hat man das Schloß geöffnet,... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Why the SNES mini emulates more than just the console

The upcoming Super NES mini console is more than just a SNES emulator. Like its predecessor, it harkens back to a time where physical cartridges allowed for the integration of custom hardware on a per-game basis that would evolve the capabilities of the base hardware. The Super N … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Either It Looks Like a Miracle or It's Stupid

My ad agency years taught me never to show clients work that, for all purposes, couldn't be released as is. Showing anything less t... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

July 4th Grilled Seafood Recipes

Fish, shrimp, and other great seafood recipes for your grill. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Sony Xperia XZ Premium Review

Unsere Kollegen in den USA haben sich das Xperia XZ Premium etwas genauer angesehen und sind in gewisser Weise beeindruckt und finden Sony hat hier endlich mal eine ernsthafte Konkurrenz auf dem Smartphone-Markt die keine Mühe hat mit Samsung... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

The Political Education of Mahmoud Abbas

When Israeli tanks besieged Yasser Arafat’s headquarters in Ramallah in 2002, the Palestinian leader famously declared, “Oh God, grant me a martyr’s death.” Two and a half years later, his wish came true, in part. In November of 2004, the “Old Man” died in Paris after suffering a … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Coming of Age With The Legend of Zelda

One of the first video games I ever played—if not the first—was The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. I couldn’t have been more than 10 years old, arguably too young to fully appreciate the game for what it was. But it stuck with me for how tender and real it felt, from the memor … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Finally, a way to turn your smartphone into a universal remote

Just to let you know, if you buy something featured here, Mashable might earn an affiliate commission.What do your television, air conditioner, cable box, and ceiling fan all have in common? They can soon all be controlled through the smartphone in your pocket.    The KlikR Unive … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Happy Birthday iPhone

The iPhone celebrated its 10th birthday this week. Are you still struggling to provide visitors to your website with the right kind of experience on mobile? | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Sharp bringt auch erste randlose Smartphones

Sharp ist hierzulande ja keine Smartphone-Firma die man kennt, aber wir könnten uns gut vorstellen, dass sich das nach der Übernahme durch Foxconn dieses Jahr ändern wird. Ein Hinweis darauf wie ernst Foxconn die Sharp auch als Smartphone-Marke... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Khizr Khan: 'Go Seek Your Neighbor'

Attorney Khizr Khan became a household name during the 2016 campaign when he gave a stirring speech at the Democratic National Convention about his son, Army Captain Humayun Khan, who was killed in 2004 while fighting in the Iraq War. Asked how Americans can coexist in relative p … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

The Plot Against Pelosi

Democratic Representative Kathleen Rice is tired of her party getting its butt kicked. “Since 2010, we’ve been losing, losing, losing, losing. There are big issues that we need to address for the country, and we’re not even at the table—which is a problem!”As Rice sees it, Democr … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

How the Left Lost Its Mind

Updated for clarification at 12:15 p.m. ETLast month, Democratic Senator Ed Markey delivered what seemed like an explosive bit of news during an interview with CNN: A grand jury had been impaneled in New York, he said, to investigate the Trump campaign’s alleged collusion with Ru … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

A Cypherpunk Dream: Blockstream Developer Departs to Build Bitcoin Web

Eric Martindale's new project is a trustless, decentralized exchange with smart contract functionality the developer claims is superior to ethereum.Source | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Bringt Sony zur IFA ein 18:9 Smartphone? 

Japan Display, aka JDI, hat vor ein paar Wochen angekündigt ein Full Active Display in die Massenproduktion zu geben. Seitdem sehen wir gelegentlich Ankündigungen einiger chinesischer Smartphonehersteller neuer Smartphones mit 18:9 Displays.... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Watch: What you need to know about Beyond Good & Evil 2

Beyond Good & Evil 2 resurfaced spectacularly at E3, promising a prequel on an interplanetary scale. But with no release date in sight and gameplay footage thin on the ground, what can we expect from one of the most anticipated games to ever claw its way out of development limbo? … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

The Muslim Brotherhood Is the Root of the Qatar Crisis

Monday marks the end of the 10 days that Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, and Egypt gave Qatar to comply with 13 far-reaching demands. For starters, Qatar is being told to cut off relations with Iran, shutter Al Jazeera, and stop granting Qatari citizenship to oth … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Just because you can doesn't mean you should

It might be a market you can enter, but that doesn't mean it will reward your time and effort. It might be an all-you-can-eat situation, but there's a difference between all you can eat and all you care to eat....        | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Das Moto X4 verspätet sich wohl

Derzeit herrscht in der Gerüchteküche etwas Verwirrung über die Releasepläne neuer Motos. Wir wissen zwar - scheinbar verlässlich - was alles dieses Jahr noch kommen wird, aber wann wird immer mehr zum Roulette. (Was sind wir... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Watch: The Witness game you never knew existed

Gameplay wise, Jonathan Blow's magnificent puzzle game The Witness was undeniably unique. While its puzzles may have been wholly original, however, its title certainly wasn't. The first game to bear the name The Witness actually belonged to the masters of interactive fiction Info … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

TechCrunch Pitch-Off rocked Tel Aviv, winner OlfaGuard now heads to Disrupt

 Last Wednesday TechCrunch hosted the TechCrunch Meetup + Pitch-Off in Tel Aviv, and a good time was had by all! Over 700 people packed into the Trask venue to see on-stage interviews and 10 companies pitching to win tickets to TechCrunch Disrupt. The startups had only one minute … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Stranger fangs: in defence of Altered Beast

Every game of Altered Beast - Sega's timeworn, arcade-born bash-em-up of Greek gods and weird monsters - is preceded by a command from Zeus. 'Rise from your grave!' he intones, and with that scratchy incantation of digitised speech, he reanimates a brave, nameless Centurion and t … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Schnäppchen des Tages: Moto Z Play für 222,49 Euro

Klar, es gibt bald das neue Moto Z2 Play, auch wenn Motorola für ein Verkaufsdatum oder einen Preis in Deutschland noch keine wirklichen Aussagen machen kann. Aber unterdessen schrumpft der Preis des ursprünglichen Moto Z Play stetig. Neulich... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Recap: Oklahoma City Thunder storm back on Detroit Pistons in Summer League opener

ORLANDO -- The Oklahoma City Thunder defeated the Detroit Pistons 92-91 in the Orlando Summer League at Amway Center on Saturday. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Easing Back Online

Nearly six months ago, I announced a hiatus from online life (except for Twitter), while my wife Deb and I decamped to my original hometown of Redlands, California and a house we rented on the campus of the University of Redlands, to finish a book on what we’d discovered in trave … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

500 Startups’ Dave McClure apologizes for ‘multiple’ advances toward women and being a ‘creep’

 Taking an alternative approach to Chris Sacca’s pre-publication statement on the New York Times’ story of his alleged misconduct, Dave McClure waited a day to respond to the allegations made in yesterday’s article.In a Medium post published Saturday evening, McClure neither deni … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Someone just bought R2-D2 for over $2 million

 Sorry, Luke — but it looks like both your lightsaber and R2-D2 have new owners.In an auction that I’d like to pretend took place in front of a Sandcrawler in the middle of a desert, someone reportedly just dropped over $2 million dollars on R2-D2. Read More | Continue reading | 7 years ago