Online partnership meeting: 5 July 2017

On July 5th the fourth partnership meeting of the project will take place. It will be organized online, through a Skype conference, with the participation of representatives of all partners. … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Someone's already beaten Zelda: Breath of the Wild DLC's tough new Trial of the Sword

Someone has already beaten The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild's new Trial of the Sword challenge, released today as part of the game's big Master Trials DLC pack.This 45-floor dungeon features rooms full of enemies Link must defeat only with the weapons and items he collects … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Digital Marketing News: Content Is Still King, Purchases from Email, B2B Tech Influencer Marketing

This week's top digital marketing news via @toprank featuring marketing email purchase decisions, content is still king and B2B tech influencer marketing. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

The $28-Billion Challenge: Can Ethereum Scale to Meet Demand?

While it is now vying with bitcoin for the No. 1 cryptocurrency crown, ethereum is still far from becoming the "world computer" originally envisioned.Source | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Louis Armstrong

In remembrance of jazz legend Louis Armstrong we collected different videos from the EUscreen Archive starring Armstrong. He died on the 6th of July 1971. Find more music video’s on! Armstrong in Stockholm A clip about Louis Armstrong visiting Stockholm. Provider: Kun … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

DejaView: Das ultimative YouTube-Quiz

Keine Frage, YouTube ist heute Popkultur. Wer nicht weiß, was gerade im Trend ist oder viral geht, dachte in den 90ern auch HipHop wäre Gymnastik. Wer sein Wissen mal auf die Probe stellen will, könnte mit dem Browser-Game DejaView großen... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

A Columbia Professor's Critique of Campus Politics

For years, Columbia University Professor John McWhorter and Brown University Professor Glenn Loury have conducted frank public conversations on where they puzzle through issues facing the United States in real time. Both are original thinkers with heterodox views … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

CONTRIBUTO AUTONOMA SISTEMAZIONE – Sportello per le domande di contributo aperto in via Carlo lunedì mattina e giovedì’ pomeriggio

Dal prossimo lunedì 3 luglio, lo Sportello per le domande del contributo di autonoma sistemazione sarà aperto solo presso la sede della Direzione Servizi alla Persona, in via San Carlo n. 1, e solo nelle seguenti giornate ed orari:  lunedì dalle 9:00 alle 13:00; giovedì dalle 15: … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

BTCFork Developer Will Soon Release a Bitcoin UAHF Client Capable of Increasing Block Size to 16 MB

It is evident the topic of Bitcoin Scaling is still being discussed as we speak. A new subreddit, called BTCFork, is showing some interesting activity right now. More specifically, a new UAHF client will be released in the coming days. This particular client will not activate Seg … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

The Senate GOP Health-Care Bill Inches Closer to Obamacare

The more Senate Republicans tweak their faltering health-care proposal in a frantic scramble for votes, the more it is beginning to look like the law they were trying to replace.Republicans are considering keeping a key Obamacare tax increase on investment income so they can use … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

How Republicans Can Fix American Health Care

The Senate health-care bill is not definitively dead, but it’s unmistakably ailing—and the prognosis is not promising.The prognosis was never promising. All the various Republican health-care proposals circulated since 2010 would remove health-insurance coverage from tens of mill … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

European Appointment for Ireland in ENAT Board: Paudie Healy, Killarney

28.6.2017, Brussels. The European Network for Accessible Tourism is delighted to announce that Mr Paudie Healy, Universal Access, Ireland has been elected to its European Board of Directors today in Brussels.Managing Director of the European Network for Accessible Tourism non-pro … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Bacardi brings No Commission platform to Berlin

Spirits brand Bacardi is bringing its No Commission platform to Berlin this weekend, in a bid to support both emerging and established artists. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Delivery Hero’s valuation surpasses $5B following successful IPO

 Delivery Hero’s valuation topped $5 billion after the food delivery firm went public in a listing on the Frankfurt stock exchange. The listing, announced earlier this month, came at a €25.50 share price, at the top of its pricing range. The share price quickly rose to reach as h … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds players debate aim assist after dev mentions prospect of cross-platform play

The company behind Steam phenomenon PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds has announced cross-platform play is under consideration, but this has sparked a debate ov… | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Account Executive, Nudge

Native content is the future. This is a ground floor opportunity to come in and drive the sales of Nudge. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

"Rick and Morty" Staffel 3: Neuer Trailer und offizieller Sendetermin

Die Serie "Rick and Morty" ist eine der zur Zeit witzigsten, klügsten Cartoons, die man schauen kann. Der verrückte Wissenschaftler und der dümmliche Enkel, die durch Zeit und Dimensionen springen, wie andere Leute Erdnüsse essen,... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Two Storey Residential Pavilion with Casual Luxury Interiors

This sleek two storey residential pavilion includes an open plan living area, study and master bedroom on the ground floor ... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Großartiger Archivfund nach 750 Jahren / Lancelot Fragment bis September im Schloss Mespelbrunn zu besichtigen

Schlossverwaltung Mespelbrunn: Mespelbrunn (ots) - Das bisher größte und wohl auch älteste deutsche Fragment der Lancelot Sage wird bis September im Schloss Mespelbrun ausgestellt. Als Einband für ein Rechnungsbuch aus dem 16. Jahrhundert hat das Fragment bis zu seinem Fund vor . … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Bitcoin Price Watch; Breakout Is On Today

So here we are at the end of the week yet again and what a week we’ve had in our bitcoin price trading efforts. Things have moved incredibly fast across the sessions, weighted towards the crossover between the US and the European sessions primarily, This crossover is always a bus … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

These LED eyelashes are future fashion

Sometimes you see a product and you’re like “wow, that’s so futuristic.” Then you remember you’re living in 2017, 20 years after the date that a sentient AI wiped out most of humanity in the original Terminator movie, and you think: “Huh, maybe we’re living in the future already. … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Valkyria Revolution review

Well, at least the soundtrack is just fine. If you've any love for Valkyria Chronicles, an affair likely started with Sega's 2008 original which saw Skies of Arcadia director Shuntaro Tanaka injecting some of that same breeziness into an exquisite tactical RPG, you'll likely alre … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Ditsch-WM am Ostseestrand - Ferienspaß für die ganze Familie (FOTO)

Ostseefjord Schlei GmbH: Waabs/Ostsee Schleswig-Holstein (ots) - Am 23. Juli wird wieder um die Meisterschaft geditscht: Die Ostseefjord Schlei GmbH sucht zum zweiten Mal den Meister des Steineditschens Auf dem Campingplatz Heide an der Schleswig-Holsteinischen ... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

China's Central Bank Opens New Digital Currency Research Institute

The People's Bank of China released the official address and other details about its new cryptocurrency research institute this week.Source | Continue reading | 7 years ago

A Call to Police Comity Among Political Allies, Not Opponents

Peter Wehner, a senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, believes that most every American has a role to play in helping their compatriots co-exist despite their differences, and “a good place to start is with self-reflection and looking within—first at ourselves as … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

'Forest Bathing': How Microdosing on Nature Can Help With Stress

On first glance, it looked like a two-hour walk in the woods. Our guide had already tackled the hard part of finding a trail with minimal elevation gain and limited poison oak along its flanks. This wasn’t a hike, we were reminded. A hike usually involved clear endpoints and phys … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

This One Senate Staffer Could Sink the GOP's Health-Care Plan

As Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell tries to negotiate his way to a health-care bill that can win at least 50 Republican votes, there is one woman in the Senate who could stop the bill cold.She isn’t even a senator.Elizabeth MacDonough is the Senate’s parliamentarian, the f … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Twitter ought to hurry up and let users flag fake news

Twitter is believed to be testing a feature to allow users to report tweets containing fake news and bogus or misleading information, reports The Washington Post. Sadly, that’s not quite enough reason to celebrate: a company spokesperson told WP, “There are no current plans to la … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

The week Activision sells Modern Warfare Remastered standalone, it puts COD: Ghosts on Xbox One back compat

Call of Duty Ghosts on Xbox 360 is now playable via Xbox One, thanks to the console's backwards compatibility programme.The timing of its addition is interesting - Activision has just this week started selling Modern Warfare Remastered standalone for £34.99, after previously only … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Google Play Store makes it easier to see what’s new in each app update

The inline changelogs on the Play Store show you all the new features the latest version of an app has on board. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Netflix spendiert Sense8 ein zweistündiges Finale

Daran sollten sich andere Sender ein Beispiel nehmen. Da sehr viele Fans enttäuscht waren, dass die Serie nach der zweiten Staffel sang- und klanglos abgesetzt wurde, hat sich Netflix erbarmt und spendiert der Wachowski Produktion ein zweistündiges... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

O letnich inspiracjach i kremowy pudding z tapioki z musem z mango i cynamonem

*  *  * Kiedy marka tołpa  zaprosiła mnie do objęcia patronatem zestawu kosmetyków, poczułam się bardzo wyróżniona i nie ukrywam, że zrobiło mi się po prostu miło! W pierwszej chwili pomyślałam sobie jednak, że Czytelnicy którzy zaglądają na mojego bloga w większości po kulinarne … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Neuer Verkehrsminister in Nordrhein-Westfalen - Flughafenverband ADV gratuliert und begrüßt einhelliges Bekenntnis zum Luftverkehr!

ADV Deutsche Verkehrsflughäfen: Berlin (ots) - Im Rahmen der Landtagswahl von Nordrhein-Westfalen konstituiert sich die Regierung im Bündnis von CDU und FDP neu. Heute ist Hendrik Wüst als Verkehrsminister von NRW benannt worden. Ihm obliegt die Umsetzung der getroffenen ... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Antibiotic Resistance Is Lurking in The Environment

Colistin is an antibiotic of last resort, one of the final options left when all other drugs fail. It is an older antibiotic and sometimes toxic to the kidneys. Yet precisely because colistin is not a particularly safe drug and thus rarely used, bacteria didn’t develop resistance … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Top five experiential stories of the week

Event's Brand Experience Report 2017, Renault at Goodwood Festival of Speed, Magnum's latest Pleasure Store, City Runs from Adidas and BT's Better Call Saul-inspired office are this week's most read stories. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Germany passes controversial law to fine Facebook over hate speech

German lawmakers have passed a controversial law under which Facebook, Twitter, and other social media companies could face fines of up to €50 million ($57 million) for failing to remove hate speech. The Network Enforcement Act, commonly referred to as the “Facebook law,” was pas … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Two confusions

Those things you're bad at? You're not nearly as bad at them as you fear. And those things you're great at? Probably not nearly as good as you hope. We beat ourselves up a lot, but often focus on the...        | Continue reading | 7 years ago

3 Ways to Create a Buzzworthy Event Using Social Media

This is a sponsored post written by Suzanne Fougere, Senior Director, Corporate Strategy, Marketing and Communications with the Halifax Convention Centre. More information about Event Manager Blog’s sponsored posts. Social media has changed the way delegates experience, engage wi … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Tunneldurchfahrt: Bei Stau und Panne Ruhe bewahren / TÜV Rheinland: Abblendlicht einschalten und Sonnenbrille absetzen / Bei Stau den Motor abschalten / Bei größeren Bränden Tunneldurchsagen beachten (FOTO)

TÜV Rheinland AG: Köln (ots) - Die Sicherheitsvorkehrungen sind in Tunneln besonders hoch. Dennoch beschleicht viele Autofahrer bei der Fahrt durch die Röhre aufgrund der Enge und der veränderten Sichtverhältnisse ein mulmiges Gefühl. "Das richtige Verhalten hilft, ... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Lightyear One: Elektroauto mit Solarbetrieb und unglaublicher Reichweite

Ich habe nichts gegen vollmundige Ankündigungen, aber ein Elektroauto, das nicht nur eine Reichweite von 800 Kilometern hat, sondern sich obendrein auch noch über Solarzellen so gut aufladen soll, dass man bei starker Sonne monatelang ohne... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Führerschein im Ausland verloren - was tun? / Der ADAC gibt Tipps, wie Betroffene richtig handeln

ADAC: München (ots) - Verliert ein Urlauber seinen Führerschein im Ausland, muss er das nicht der Botschaft, dem Konsulat oder der örtlichen Polizei melden. Ein Interimsdokument im Sinne eines Führerscheins wird nicht ausgestellt. Der Betroffene kann ... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Watch the trailer for Rick and Morty season 3, streaming from July 30th

Rick and Morty season 3 is nearly here. Adult Swim dropped the first full trailer (above) and confirmed that the show will start streaming again on July 30th. By that time, it will have been two years since the second season of the cult show started airing, and fans have been eag … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

5 #Hoteltech Essentials For A Better Event Experience

Attendee expectations are changing and those expectations extend beyond the event itself. Read on to find out how hoteltech could help to deliver a better attendee event experience. Good event planners obsess over every part of the attendee experience and for many, attendee accom … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Mehr Urlaub fürs Geld: In diesen Ländern ist es gerade günstig

Berlin (ots) - Sommerzeit ist Urlaubszeit. Viele Deutsche zieht es dann ins Ausland. Eine aktuelle Auswertung des gemeinnützigen Verbraucherportals Finanztip zeigt, in welchen... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Indian messaging app Hike may launch live-streaming following recent acquisition

 Hike, the billion-dollar messaging app chasing WhatsApp in India, may be preparing to enter the live-streaming space following a recent acquisition. The company, which is backed by Chinese internet giant Tencent, has acquired India-based live-streaming app Pulse and at least two … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Apple High Sierra Public Beta ist da

Es ist soweit: die Public Beta für das neue macOS Betriebssystem, High Sierra, ist da. Wie der Name schon sagt ist es, was die sichtbaren Features betrifft, eher ein inkrementelles Update, aber unter der Haube verstecken sich massive Änderungen.So... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

This 360-degree camera module is small enough to fit into a 7.6mm smartphone

A company called HT Optical is working on a 360-degree camera module that can fit into a 7.6 mm device and will make its debut next month. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Paradox Interactive acquires Age of Wonders dev Triumph Studios

Paradox Interactive is adding more talent to its stable of strategy developers. The company revealed today that it has acquired Triumph Studios, which is the team responsible for the turn-based strategy game Age of Wonders. Paradox also owns all of Triumph’s assets as well in a d … | Continue reading | 7 years ago