ThermoReal lets you feel heat, cold, and pain in virtual reality

Virtual reality takes your eyes and ears into another world. But it isn’t quite truly immersive, yet. So, Tegway wants to take you one step closer into the immersion by making you feel new sensations like heat, cold, and pain. The company demonstrated its ThermoReal technology at … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

At this month’s WWDC, Apple unveiled refined accessibility tools

 Cover Apple for a while and you start to notice a general cadence to the company’s behavior and strategy. To name one example, consider the last several macOS releases. In 2009, , Apple announced Snow Leopard, which famously eschewed new features for what the company described a … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

How we Web Design Farnborough Hampshire in 2017 (Updated)

The post How we Web Design Farnborough Hampshire in 2017 (Updated) appeared first on Cool Cabeza. | Continue reading

@alltop | 7 years ago

Crowdfunding project of the week: Flipp is a “beautiful and simple” music remote

Today's featured project is Flipp, one of the simplest music remotes we have seen. The idea is different, but also amazingly simple and convenient. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

The fallacies of web application performance

Web application performance has always been a hot topic, especially in regards to the role frameworks play in it. It is common to run into fallacies when those discussions arise and the goal of this article is to highlight some of those. While I am obviously biased towards Elixir … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

goman - the missing man pages for Go binaries

Most Go binaries come without any man page. The tool goman fills this gap. If the corresponding project includes a decent README file (and most projects do), goman find this README file and displays it on the terminal. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Transport’s coming upheaval

 Technology is continuously reshaping our relationship with travel, and that change is accelerating to another inflection point. Advances in transportation technology reshape our lives and cities, and how and where we all settle. And American history guides us on what’s to come. … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

HTC needs more than great hardware to make a comeback

The HTC U11 is a great device, but the company may need more than great hardware to sell smartphones. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

SpaceX successfully completes two Falcon 9 landings in one weekend

SpaceX has successfully launched and landed the second Falcon 9 rocket in roughly 48 hours — giving SpaceX two wins in its “weekend doubleheader.” The nearly back-to-back launches are a show of strength for the company that has said it intends to up the pace of its launches.The r … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

SpaceX successfully launches and recovers second Falcon 9 in 48 hours

 SpaceX has succeeded in launching another Falcon 9 into space, this time for client Iridium, a global satellite telecommunications provider. The Iridium-2 mission on Sunday saw a Falcon 9 take off from SpaceX’s Vandenberg Air Force base in California, with a payload of 10 satell … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

HHS Secretary Defies Trump on Ebola Travel Ban

At the height of the Ebola outbreak in 2014, days before the World Health Organization declared it an international public health emergency, Donald Trump tweeted: “The U.S. cannot allow EBOLA infected people back. People that go to far away places to help out are great-but must s … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

VR could get resolutions so high they’ll trick the human eye this year

I am standing in a virtual living room rendered via Unity. Except I am seeing things I never have before in VR. There is a virtual television on the wall to my left displaying a 4K video of a city. The floor, the couch pillows, the clothes hanging on a rack to my left, are […] | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Aloha Espresso Bar is a Café for the New Flavors and History Buffs

Behind the grey cut stone of an old warehouse store (1869), in the Old Montreal, the most recent Aloha Espresso Bar café explores through ... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

TechCrunch Tel Aviv Pitch-Off: Here are your startups and judges!

 On June 28 in Tel Aviv, we’re hosting the TechCrunch Meetup + Pitch-Off in Tel Aviv — and it’s gonna be a blast! We have a great lineup of judges who are going to listen to the soon-to-be-announced startup pitches and crown the winner of the Tel Aviv Pitch-Off. Tickets are still … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

A NYC Private School Accepts Bitcoin Payments towards Kids’ Tuition Fees

Bitcoin as a payment option has become quite popular in the recent days. It doesn’t matter whether Amazon starts accepting Bitcoin from its customers, but few private schools in New York City definitely will. The Montessori Schools, a private school chain in New York has added Bi … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Tristan Walker launches FORM to make it easier for women of color to manage their hair

 Growing up, my hair was always a source of frustration, pain and embarrassment. Part of that was because there were very few products made for people like me, with naturally curly and kinky hair. Hence why I just dropped about $140, tax included, on Walker & Company Brands’ late … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Pondering How to Live Together

Last year, while preparing to cover the Aspen Ideas Festival, I chose a question to pose to invited speakers, whose areas of expertise span so many different fields, in hopes that their varied insights would shed new light on thorny matters that confront us. I asked, what debates … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Examining Effective Processes for Creating Content [Content Matters Episode 27]

In this episode of the Content Matters podcast, Andy and Barry explore tools, systems, and processes for getting your content together. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Here's why airlines have trouble with your hyphenated name

If your name is too long, too short, hyphenated, or contains an apostrophe — you probably have trouble while flying.Apostrophes, hyphens, and other special characters in names have been an issue for flyers for many years. A blog post from 2007 describes a flyer having trouble wit … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

A Modern Country Home Featuring Minimalist Geometry and Natural Finishes

The architecture of this modern country home is a synthesis of natural materials, such as stone and wood, and simple geometric shapes. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

HHS Secretary: The Congressional Budget Office Is ‘Not Accurate’

“We’re not pulling the rug out from under anybody,” said Tom Price, the Secretary of Health and Human Services. The goal of the House’s and the Senate’s health plans, and the Trump administration’s goal, he said, is “ensuring that there are more individuals who are insured under … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Dressing Up for the Doctor

When Michele Norris, journalist and founder of the Race Card Project, goes to the doctor’s office, her mother calls her to be sure she’s not planning to wear trousers. “She says, ‘You’re wearing something nice, aren’t you?’” Norris said during a panel at the Aspen Ideas Festival, … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Watch SpaceX launch 10 satellites into orbit with a Falcon 9 live right here

 SpaceX is attempting its second launch in under 48 hours today at 4:25 PM EDT (1:25 PM PDT), from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. The launch will be the second for client Iridium, a global telecommunications and data provider. The payload for today’s launch includes 10 … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

How tech companies are recognizing Pride Month

 In the month of June, tech companies celebrated Pride in the best way they know how: small, quirky product updates. With San Francisco and New York’s annual Pride event hitting this weekend, it’s a good time to reflect on just how far LGBTQ visibility in the tech community has c … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

The Danger of Yemen's Secret Prisons

In 2010, I met an American held in what was then Yemen’s most notorious secret prison: Political Security. This man had never been formally arrested. A gang of Yemenis in balaclavas shot him in broad daylight on the street near his home, threw him in a van, and sped away.At the t … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

There’s a better way to build your startup

 If a startup founder could peer 8 years into the future and see a company that has become the symbol for disruptive culture, one that has raised over $8 billion on a valuation of $67 billion, that has a worldwide presence in hundreds of cities, millions of app downloads,12,000 f … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

150 Die in Pakistan After an Oil Tanker Explodes

An oil tanker in Pakistan that overturned on the road burst into flames on Sunday, killing about 150 people, many of them women and children who’d run toward the leaking tanker with buckets to collect the spilt fuel. It’s still not known what caused the spark that caused the expl … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Why now?

 Sexism in tech (and elsewhere) has always been an open secret but it seems we’ve hit an inflection point. More women are now willing to expose that secret. Read More | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Sony: Resident Evil 7’s PSVR success ‘was a big surprise to us’

Five months on from launch and Capcom’s Resident Evil 7 is still the biggest game to come to Sony’s PlayStation VR so far. Using an optional stat-tracking service, we know that quite a few people have tried the game with this VR support. In fact the sheer number of people playing … | Continue reading | 7 years ago


Mývatn. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

VC Justin Caldbeck raised funding in email to accuser ahead of scandal breaking

 TechCrunch has reviewed an email allegedly sent by VC Justin Caldbeck, of Binary Capital, to one of the female founders who have accused him of inappropriate behavior — which suggests he tried to use his influence as an investor to encourage the woman to drop the allegations aga … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Playful’s Paul Bettner is betting on both ‘flat screen games’ and VR

Paul Bettner had a good time at the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3), the big game trade show in Los Angeles last week. His McKinney, Texas-based Playful studio debuted two games at E3, Super Lucky’s Tale for the Xbox One and Star Child for Sony’s PlayStation VR. Those games sh … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Get over 1.1 million graphics at your fingertips — for only $31

Ask any art pro…finding a stockpile of quality vector graphics to incorporate into your own projects is worth its weight in gold. They’re high quality, they’re versatile, and with their host of customization options, they’re able to liven up virtually any graphics assignment with … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

ANX International’s OpenANX ICO Raises Over $14 Million on Day One

OpenANX, the blockchain based solution for decentralized cryptocurrency exchange platforms is currently in the process of raising necessary funds for development. The OpenANX crowdsale that went live on June 22, 2017, has already raised over $16 million against the sale of over 2 … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Unihertz Jelly Review

In gewisser Weise muss man beim Jelly, dem kleinsten Android-Smartphone das mir je untergekommen ist, alles was man von Smartphones erwartet umdenken. Angefangen damit, was eigentlich "klein" bedeutet. Das Jelly ist wirklich winzig. Auf Fotos wirkt... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

'Of All the Categories of Fake News, Health News Is the Worst'

“Let’s take this back a couple hundred years,” said Brian Southwell, the director of the “Science in the Public Sphere” program at the Center for Communication Science at RTI International. “There was an ongoing debate between a couple guys in Europe: Spinoza and Descartes.”These … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Turkey's Identity Crisis

On June 14, a Turkish court sentenced Enis Berberoglu to 25 years in prison for spying. The decision sent shockwaves through Turkey, even after a year during which the government arrested, detained, or purged more than 200,000 people in the aftermath of last summer’s attempted co … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

All Systems Red chronicles the life of a robot that calls itself Murderbot

“But as I said before, these were intrepid galactic explorers. They were people who had been doing a job and suddenly found themselves in a terrible situation.” These lines sum up the general attitude of Martha Wells’ novella, All Systems Red. It’s a snarky adventure set in the d … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Dual camera optical zoom technology explained

Dual camera smartphones boasting optical zoom capabilities are appearing more often now. Here's a breakdown of how the technology works. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Meizu gibt Update-Plan auf Android N bekannt

Meizu ist irgendwie etwas spät dran, jetzt wo die ersten sich schon mal auf den Herbst und ihre ersten Android O Smartphones vorbereiten, aber wer immer ein Meizu sein eigen nennt, dürfte sich dennoch freuen, nach langer, langer Funkstille... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

The ending of the new Transformers movie is, at the very least, consistent

Michael Bay’s Transformers movies have a certain familiarity. The Autobots and Decepticons — the long-standing rivals in this toy-ad-turned-mega-franchise about transforming alien robots — beat the crap out of each other, endangering Earth in the process. A human hero (usually a … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Microsoft Windows 10 S in drei Stunden gehackt

Mit Windows 10 S will sich Microsoft gegenüber Chromebooks positionieren und verspricht eine gewisse Resistenz gegenüber Ransom- und ähnlicher Malware. Nicht zuletzt darf man auf der Software, die ja auch auf den neuen Windows Surface... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

The Uber and the frog

 How the mighty are fallen. Travis Kalanick is out, and Uber has become something of a headless horseman, with no current CEO, COO, CFO, CMO, VP of Engineering, or general counsel. Its alleged valuation has fallen by $18 billion and counting. How did this happen? Or maybe a bette … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

How blockchain-based apps and sites resist DDoS attacks

GUEST: Sometimes, truth is stranger than fiction! The recent Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks on Final Fantasy XIV’s gaming platform are quite surreal, yet a timely signpost of where things are heading. Using traditional cyber security technology, we are playing “whac … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

ICOs: Why There's More Than One Way

EY's Pascal Leblanc discusses an alternative approach to ICOs, putting forth a new model aimed to mitigate the price volatility of tokens.Source | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Watch a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launch 10 satellites into orbit

A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket will launch later today carrying a new batch of satellites into orbit for communications company Iridium. After takeoff, SpaceX will try to land the Falcon 9’s first stage — the 14-story high core of the rocket that contains the main engines and most of t … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

This week in apps: L'Oréal's new UV patch, a cool raw photo editor, and the rest of the best

It's possible that you couldn't keep up with the wild world of app updates this week considering all the changes happening with Uber, including Travis Kalanick stepping down as CEO. If that's the case, there's no need to worry. We've got you covered.SEE ALSO: Why your iPhone phot … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Neues zu den Google Pixel Nachfolgern "Taimen" und "Walleye"

Laut XDA Developers, die mit jemandem geredet haben, der wohl zumindest eins der beiden Geräte in den Händen gehabt haben soll, gibt es neues zu den Nachfolgern der Google Pixel und Google Pixel XL Smartphones.Das größere, Codename... | Continue reading | 7 years ago