Le Quattro Stagioni – Spoleto d’Estate – Tutto il programma

PROGRAMMA “Le Quattro Stagioni – Spoleto d’Estate” è un nuovo contenitore di spettacoli e proposte culturali del Comune di Spoleto che coinvolgono tutte le arti: dalla musica alla danza, dal cinema al teatro, dalle attività sportive e culturali ai percorsi nel verde, dalle degust … | Continue reading

@comunespoleto.gov.it | 7 years ago

Apple CarPlay unterstützt jetzt auch Google Play Music

Wer auch immer iOS und CarPlay gleichzeitig mit Google Play Music benutzt*, hat Glück: Googles Musikdienst ist jetzt kompatibel mit Apples Bordsystem. Das heißt, dass man die Musik mit Cockpit-Instrumenten steuern kann, anstatt am Handy herumzufummeln... | Continue reading

@de.engadget.com | 7 years ago

ECB President: Cryptocurrency Price Boom Having Limited Effect on Economy

The president of the European Union's central bank has issued new remarks that touch on the rising price of cryptocurrencies.Source | Continue reading

@coindesk.com | 7 years ago

The One Thing You Must do to Generate and Convert Leads

Increase your site traffic via the right content for your Influencers to help generate and convert leads for your website. | Continue reading

@moondogmarketing.com | 7 years ago

KICKICO Taps Blockchain to Offer Easy and Advanced Fundraising

Since late 2000-s, when Kickstarter (2009) and Indiegogo (2008) were launched, the world is experiencing hype around fundraising. The reason is that many project creators believe that crowd-funding platforms are nothing, but a simple way to raise funds for the project. However, t … | Continue reading

@newsbtc.com | 7 years ago

Meeting #7 at Elephantcandy: Hot phase (and hot weather)

  Our partner Elephantcandy is based in Amsterdam – luckily. So our meeting #7 was perfectly scheduled for July 18th to 20th, along with the best summer weather. Our colleagues had picked the stylish Pakhuis de Zwijger, a former cooling warehouse for food, turned in 2006 into a c … | Continue reading

@orpheus-audio.eu | 7 years ago

Christopher Nolan's Dunkirk Is a Masterpiece

What is Dunkirk?The answer is more complicated than one might imagine. Director Christopher Nolan’s latest is a war film, of course, yet one in which the enemy scarcely makes an appearance. It is a $150 million epic, yet also as lean and spare as a haiku, three brief, almost word … | Continue reading

@theatlantic.com | 7 years ago

The Lonely Lives of Dolphin Lice

It’s hard to muster sympathy for lice. Most of the parasites seem to be doing fine—living, feeding and multiplying on their hapless hosts. But lice that live on dolphins have it tough. Their hosts are slippery and fast-moving; the lice spend their lonely lives clinging tight and … | Continue reading

@theatlantic.com | 7 years ago

Hacker remotely raises home temperature 12ºC (22ºF) on smart thermostat

Smart home technology is increasingly commonplace. As tech-conscious consumers, we have embraced Internet-connected fridges, kettles, and thermostats feet-first. Although shiny, these often ship with significant security flaws, which can prove disastrous for users. The Heatmiser … | Continue reading

@thenextweb.com | 7 years ago

Struggling shipping company Shyp retreats to San Francisco

Once considered the “Uber of shipping,” logistics company Shyp has announced that it’s downsizing its operations in Chicago, Los Angeles, and New York, and will no longer accept new orders in those cities. The company will instead focus on achieving profitability in the single ma … | Continue reading

@theverge.com | 7 years ago

Wie viel hält das Nokia 3310 (2017) aus?

Das alte Nokia 3310 gilt als eines der robustesten Handys. Aber wie viel hält sein 2017-Nachfolger aus? JerryRigEverything hat es getestet, mit Kratz-o-Meter, Teppichmesser, Feuerzeug und Biegefinger.Spoiler: Das Nokia 3310 (2017) besteht den... | Continue reading

@de.engadget.com | 7 years ago

Here’s to Pancakes and New Beginnings

Blinis in Dnipro Puzatta Hata is the largest Ukrainian cuisine chain restaurant. It’s welcoming, warm, and most of all, reliable. When I first arrived in Dnipro, Ukraine back in September of 2016, I was lost. I fell asleep immediately after moving into my new apartment, and thus … | Continue reading

@roadsandkingdoms.com | 7 years ago

Trust Your Odometer? Blockchain Test Aims to Turn Tide on Car Tampering

If you've ever bought a used car you'll understand why BigchainDB has developed a platform that tracks vehicle history on a blockchain.Source | Continue reading

@coindesk.com | 7 years ago

Autonomous driving will bring forced obsolescence to cars

The concept of built-in obsolescence should be familiar to anyone that has ever bought a piece of advanced consumer electronics. Back in the early 2000s, a brand new gaming PC would be out of date faster than its owner could notify all his or her friends of the acquisition. Over … | Continue reading

@theverge.com | 7 years ago

This New London Brick House Accommodates Three Generations of a Family

Being part of a semi detached house in a conservation area did provide some context to work in. This London brick house also acts ... | Continue reading

@homeworlddesign.com | 7 years ago

This Week in Native Ads 7/21

This Week in Native Ads 7/21: Read for notable stories, deals/m&a, campaign of the week, smartest commentary, data points of note and more. | Continue reading

@giveitanudge.com | 7 years ago

Why I’m holding off on getting my Aadhaar number for as long as possible

While India is trying to get to grips with the notion of privacy as a fundamental right for its citizens, it’s simultaneously charging forward with its program to document all 1.3 billion people in a biometric database called Aadhaar, and enforcing the accompanying unique ID to t … | Continue reading

@thenextweb.com | 7 years ago

Asimov’s Laws won’t actually stop robots from harming us, so here’s a better solution

How do you stop a robot from hurting people? Many existing robots, such as those assembling cars in factories, shut down immediately when a human comes near. But this quick fix wouldn’t work for something like a self-driving car that might have to move to avoid a collision, or a … | Continue reading

@thenextweb.com | 7 years ago

Animating with CSS Variables

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@valhead.com | 7 years ago

How I finally broke my Facebook addiction

A few weeks ago, I did the unthinkable: I deleted the Facebook app from my phone. It started off as more of an experiment. I was curious if not having the app would help extend the dismal battery life of my iPhone 6S. But I was also starting to wonder if there might be other, les … | Continue reading

@mashable.com | 7 years ago

One man on a mission

SPONSORED: Presented by Intel “I love it when people are mad at me because it tells me that they care.” That’s a bold—and confident—statement from Sorob Raissi, self-described Founder, CEO, Artist, Developer, Designer, Biz Dev guy at Spread Shot Studios. Why does it have to be se … | Continue reading

@venturebeat.com | 7 years ago

Everything Now Hinges on Three Republicans in the Senate

By midnight on July 20, 2017, it seemed increasingly likely that Donald Trump will fire the special counsel, Robert Mueller.Mueller embodies what is admirable in U.S. public service: a wounded and decorated Marine Corps veteran of Vietnam, longtime prosecutor and U.S. Attorney un … | Continue reading

@theatlantic.com | 7 years ago

Hong Kong is showing promise as a destination for tech IPOs

 The U.S. tech IPO window may have reopened in 2017 following a lull last year, but the outlook is also looking rosier for another listing platform located on the other side of world. The Hong Kong Stock Exchange (HKSE) is experiencing a renaissance of sorts among the tech indust … | Continue reading

@techcrunch.com | 7 years ago

Content Marketing for Local Business: Key Strategies

Can you use content marketing for local business? Of course! See 3 examples of local businesses using content for meteoric success - and 5 strategies to put into action today | Continue reading

@blog.vwriter.com | 7 years ago

Wreck: Digitaler Schrott-Benz als wundersame Skulptur

Der in Brooklyn lebende Künstler Jordan Griska hat bereits 2016 diese wundervolle Skulptur angefertigt, die sich "Wreck" nennt und unser alltägliches Spannungsfeld zwischen Digital und Realität gut umschreibt. Griska bastelte sich am Computer... | Continue reading

@de.engadget.com | 7 years ago

Digital Marketing News: Email Marketing Facts, Gen Z Media Usage & Snap Publisher Tool

This week's top digital marketing news via @toprank featuring email marketing facts, Gen Z media usage and Snap's new Publisher Tool. | Continue reading

@toprankblog.com | 7 years ago

Syfy to host food truck for Midnight, Texas launch

NBCUniversal TV channel Syfy is offering fans a taste of Texas BBQ and the supernatural with tastings from a themed food truck at this year's Film & Comic Con show. | Continue reading

@eventmagazine.co.uk | 7 years ago

Foxconn erneut in Zwangsarbeitskandal verwickelt

Das chinesische Unternehmen Foxconn stellt seit Jahren iPhones, iPads und elektronische Geräte für viele andere Großfirmen der Branche her. Und seit Beginn tauchen immer wieder Berichte über schlechte Arbeitsbedingungen bei den Fabriken... | Continue reading

@de.engadget.com | 7 years ago

Google launches YouTube TV subscription service in 10 new cities

Google is bringing its nascent television streaming service to more cities. The search giant’s YouTube TV subscription service is now available in ten new metropolitan areas: Washington D.C., Dallas-Fort Worth, Houston, Dallas, Charlotte, Miami-Fort Lauderdale, Orlando-Daytona Be … | Continue reading

@venturebeat.com | 7 years ago

Kosovo Gets its First Bitcoin ATM Despite Opposition by Central Bank

Cryptocurrency ATMs are always quite appealing to the masses. Being able to buy Bitcoin with cash is a lot more convenient compared to using exchanges. The central bank of Kosovo is not too keen on Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. In fact, they recently issued a warning regarding th … | Continue reading

@newsbtc.com | 7 years ago

Arrested Hacker Claims $30 Million Bitcoin Theft – But Offers Little Proof

A Pennsylvania resident is claiming to have stolen millions in bitcoin, though he's offered police little in the way of evidence.Source | Continue reading

@coindesk.com | 7 years ago

Some lessons from extreme A/B Testing

During my most recent job, I engaged in developing a range of A/B tests that challenged my thinking in terms of development and idea brainstorming, at a company that shifted their entire long-term strategy to A/B testing overnight. I took part in this for around 18 months, and le … | Continue reading

@josephshambrook.dev | 7 years ago

Debate settled: The plural of emoji is...

It's been a big week for emoji 😎After Monday kicked things off with the fourth annual World Emoji Day 🙌 Apple announced a new set of emojis coming to the iPhone later this year, including Woman With Headscarf and Zombie. 😮Also, Google announced its traditi … | Continue reading

@mashable.com | 7 years ago

Bitcoin Price Watch; Looking Strong Into The Week

Things are really starting to heat up now in the bitcoin price space. There’s been plenty to talk about throughout the week so far, with a lot of it being negative. Price started out relatively negative throughout the early part of the week and this left us thinking that we might … | Continue reading

@newsbtc.com | 7 years ago

China forces its Muslim minority to install spyware on their phones

China has ramped up surveillance measures in Xinjiang, home to much of its Muslim minority population, according to reports from Radio Free Asia.Authorities sent out a notice over a week ago instructing citizens to install a "surveillance app" on their phones, and are conducting … | Continue reading

@mashable.com | 7 years ago

Wanderbares Österreich?

Die Unfälle beim Wandern über Weidegebiete häufen sich. Seit Jahren! Das Thema ist keineswegs neu. Den Berichten darüber wird in den Medien aktuell breiter Raum eingeräumt. Die Negativschlagzeilen wiegen auch die besten (und entsprechend teuren) Werbekampagnen nicht auf. Im Gegen … | Continue reading

@tp-blog.at | 7 years ago

Trailer: "Bright" – Neue Fantasy-Action mit Will Smith

Auf der Comic-Con in San Diego gab es bereits einen ersten kurzen Teaser. Nun wurde der erste volle Trailer zu"Bright" veröffentlicht. Eine Netflix-Produktion mit Superstar Will Smith in der Hauptrolle. Regie führt David Ayer ("Suicide Squad").... | Continue reading

@de.engadget.com | 7 years ago

How Celebrity Endorsements Influence Young Consumers

Over half of internet users say they follow some sort of celebrity account on social, with figures reaching as high as 68% among 16-24s, according to new research. | Continue reading

@digitalinformationworld.com | 7 years ago

Seebeben in der Ägäis zwischen Kos und Bodrum / Nur vereinzelte Schäden an Hotels / Keine nennenswerten Verletzungenbei Urlaubern

TUI Deutschland GmbH: Hannover (ots) - Heute Nacht hat es vor der Küste von Mugla/Türkei zwischen Kos und Bodrum ein Seebeben gegeben. Besonders betroffen war die griechische Insel Kos. Hier ist es zu vereinzelten Schäden an Gebäuden in der Stadt Kos gekommen. Nach ... | Continue reading

@presseportal.de | 7 years ago

Will Millennials Kill The Event Industry? [Video]

In this new video, we’re talking about how millennials can help change the event industry moving forward. As you might have noticed, the buzzword Millennials has been everywhere in the past few years, and just won’t die. But are they really posing a threat to the event industry?  … | Continue reading

@eventmanagerblog.com | 7 years ago

The Strange Phenomenon of Voter Self-Suppression

From the moment the president announced the creation of a panel to examine voter fraud and elections, voting-rights advocates warned that the real purpose of the commission was to suppress lawful votes. Then a series of reports from around the country over the last two weeks play … | Continue reading

@theatlantic.com | 7 years ago

Delta passengers can now use their fingerprints as a boarding pass

Customers flying Delta can now board using just their fingerprints at Reagan Washington National Airport (DCA) if they wish. The airline says the is available for customers who are members of Delta’s loyalty program SkyMiles, and who have enrolled in CLEAR — an expedited airport … | Continue reading

@theverge.com | 7 years ago

Queering the Work of Jane Austen Is Nothing New

It’s an old Jane Austen conundrum: The author never married, but her fiction suggests she was expert in the ways of desire and love. How can that be? What were her desires, and did she act on them? Questions about Austen’s sexuality recently resurfaced in warring headlines, with … | Continue reading

@theatlantic.com | 7 years ago

Samsung stellt Galaxy Note 8 am 23. August vor

Samsungs nächstes großflächige Handy ist fast fertig: Das Unternehmen hat an die Presse Einladung zur Unpacked-Präsentation am 23. August verschickt.Ein Teaser-Bild verspricht: "Mach etwas Größeres", was genau das ist,... | Continue reading

@de.engadget.com | 7 years ago

Sparen auf dem Campingplatz / Preisvorteile auf über 3.700 Camping- und Stellplätzen / Haftpflicht- und Unfallversicherung für Camper inklusive (FOTO)

ADAC SE: München (ots) - Bereits eine Million Camper in Europa vertrauen der "Camping Key Europe" - viele davon seit Jahren. Nun feiert die Rabatt-Karte, die von der ADAC Touring GmbH vertrieben wird, ihren fünften Geburtstag. Die Vorteile im Überblick: - ... | Continue reading

@presseportal.de | 7 years ago

Top five experiential stories of the week

Kim Myhre leaving FreemanXP, an immersive horror house from Warner Bros, an ice cream bus from Fuller's Kitchen, Panasonic's #HairytTales tour and a sushi-themed roadshow from Rowntree's are this week's most read stories. | Continue reading

@eventmagazine.co.uk | 7 years ago

Lululemon, Topshop and Gap to activate at Summer Streets festival

Regent Street's Summer Streets Festival is set to feature a number of experiences from fitness and retail brands. | Continue reading

@eventmagazine.co.uk | 7 years ago

How much does a ton weigh?

It's not unusual to describe a heavy object in tonnage. But no one has any idea how much a ton is, really. Is 250 tons a lot? How much? 250 tons is 500,000 pounds. About the weight of 8 houses....        | Continue reading

@sethgodin.typepad.com | 7 years ago