Xiaomi Redmi 5 price and specs details leak: 1080p display and 16 MP camera on a budget

Press images of what is said to be the Xiaomi Redmi 5 have been posted on social site Weibo, revealing some key details about the phone. | Continue reading

@androidauthority.com | 7 years ago

Hacker bastelt Krypto-Kamera

Auch wenn viele FotografInnen die Notwendigkeit klar belegen können: Bis Kamerahersteller einen Verschlüsselungsmechanismus in ihre Geräte einbauen, könnte noch viel Zeit vergehen. Auf eine Anfrage der Financial Times, welche Sicherheitsmechanismen... | Continue reading

@de.engadget.com | 7 years ago

Game of Thrones: 5 things to know before the premiere

The seventh season of HBO’s Game of Thrones is set to premiere this Sunday, July 16th. The show has been steadily building in popularity over the course of its run, with the season 6 finale breaking the show’s previous viewership records, and conversation about each new episode t … | Continue reading

@theverge.com | 7 years ago

End Times for the American Republic?

The election of Donald Trump, and the early days of his presidency, have driven many Americans to rummage through history in search of context and understanding. Trump himself has been compared to historical figures ranging from Ronald Reagan to Henry Ford, and from Andrew Jackso … | Continue reading

@theatlantic.com | 7 years ago

Mapping Innovation with Greg Satell

“The future is already here ― it's just not very evenly distributed yet.” [William Gibson] This is one of my favorite quotes, because I've found it to be so true. It's true in highly regulated industries, it's true in companies that are still reaping the benefits of what used to … | Continue reading

@conversationagent.com | 7 years ago

Digital Marketing News: Short Attention Spans, Instagram Retargeting and LinkedIn Notifications

This week's top digital marketing news via @toprank featuring email curing short attention spans, Instagram retargeting and LinkedIn notifications. | Continue reading

@toprankblog.com | 7 years ago

Conan O'Brien spielt mit Supermodel Kate Upton "Cuphead"

Der Showmaster Conan O'Brien hatte in seiner Show kürzlich Supermodel Kate Upton zu Gast. Erst gab es ein Dinner bei Kerzenlicht und dann kommt auch noch ein Geiger. Aber damit nicht genug – und von da an wird es eigentlich erst gemein - Conan... | Continue reading

@de.engadget.com | 7 years ago

The murder-scene-tampering Serial Cleaner out today

Miami-bright murder-scene cleanup game Serial Cleaner arrives on PC, PS4 and Xbox One today (the Steam Early Access version will become the launch version at 6pm). It costs £12.Developed by small Polish team iFun4All, Serial Cleaner was one of our picks of EGX Rezzed 2017.It's a … | Continue reading

@eurogamer.net | 7 years ago

WhatsApp now lets you share any file-type with other users

WhatsApp is rolling out an update to its billion-plus global user base that lets them share any kinds of files with other users. The Facebook-owned messaging giant first debuted file-sharing early last year, though it was restricted to PDF and text-focused files such as .doc, .tx … | Continue reading

@venturebeat.com | 7 years ago

Why Are Fewer Major Retailers Accepting Bitcoin all of a Sudden?

Getting merchants to accept Bitcoin has proven to be difficult. Even though it has become easier to do so, merchants simply aren’t interested. In fact, there are fewer top retailers dealing with BTC payments compared to a few years ago. It is evident something is changing, althou … | Continue reading

@newsbtc.com | 7 years ago

Canada’s Assent Compliance raises $31.4M Series B round to help businesses stay in compliance

 Assent Compliance isn’t in a sexy space. The company focuses on helping enterprises collect the necessary data to keep their global supply chains in compliance with local and international regulations. But while that may not sound like the most exciting space to be in, the compa … | Continue reading

@techcrunch.com | 7 years ago

UK Judge: 'No Doubt' Smart Contract Law Update Should Be Considered

The leading judge in England and Wales has said U.K. law may need to be updated to account for blockchain-based smart contracts.Source | Continue reading

@coindesk.com | 7 years ago

Bitcoin Price Watch; Today’s Scalp Plays

So here we are at the end of another week and it’s time to try and put some levels together with which we can approach the bitcoin price in the European market this morning. Action has been pretty volatile this week and we fully expect this volatility to continue as the session m … | Continue reading

@newsbtc.com | 7 years ago

Australia wants to defy math and break into encrypted messaging apps

The jig is up for encrypted messaging, in the eyes of the Australian government.Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull announced Friday morning the government will bring in new laws to force tech companies to hand over data protected by encrypted messaging apps such as WhatsA … | Continue reading

@mashable.com | 7 years ago

How to Effectively Communicate with Millennial Customers in 2017

What category of customers will come to dominate the market in few years? Millennials! In this post we discuss 3 effective ways brands can communicate with Millennials | Continue reading

@rightmixmarketing.com | 7 years ago

How-to-Video: Wie man den schmutzigsten Motor wieder blitzeblank kriegt

Wenn ein Auto erstmal paar Jahre in Betrieb ist und 100.000 km abgefahren ist, dann sieht der Motor noch in den seltensten Fällen ansehnlich aus. Staub, Korrosion, Dreck und andere Erscheinungen machen die Sache ganz schön unappetitlich. Der... | Continue reading

@de.engadget.com | 7 years ago

Inspiring Spanish Apartment Features Raw Industrial Details

With an excellent mix and summer mood, this spanish apartment looks bright and cheerful. Located in the very heart of Poblenou it manages ... | Continue reading

@homeworlddesign.com | 7 years ago

12 Step SEO Guide to Supercharge Your ECommerce Website Marketing

“Build and they will come” is what most new ecommerce site owners believe, and if you’re one of them by now you may have realized how untrue that is. Every business needs marketing, and if it’s an ecommerce website, digital marketing has to do most of the heavy lifting of not onl … | Continue reading

@emarketingblogger.com | 7 years ago

EVE Online launches the virtual expedition for real exoplanets

As we reported previously, a new minigame has been in the works for EVE Online that will allow players to help scientists discover actual exoplanets. Now the game, named Project Discovery, has officially launched and pilots of the expansive space MMORPG can finally do their part … | Continue reading

@thenextweb.com | 7 years ago

Google taught an AI to edit photos like a pro and the results are glorious

Landscape photography is hard, no matter how beautiful an environment you’re shooting in. You need to be well-versed in composition, deal with weather conditions, know how to adjust your camera settings for the best possible shot, and then edit it to come up with a pleasing pictu … | Continue reading

@thenextweb.com | 7 years ago

Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition now Xbox One backwards compatible

Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition for Xbox 360 is now playable on Xbox One, thanks to the latter console's backwards compatibility programme. Eurogamer… | Continue reading

@eurogamer.net | 7 years ago

10-hour Mass Effect: Andromeda trial now open to all

The 10-hour Mass Effect: Andromeda trial once offered on EA Access on Xbox and PC has returned and is now open to people on PS4 as well.If you previously took part you can play again but only with the trial-time you have remaining. If you decide to buy the full game you can carry … | Continue reading

@eurogamer.net | 7 years ago

Dark web marketplace AlphaBay reportedly shut down by authorities

AlphaBay, a dark web marketplace for wares in the "not exactly legal" category, went offline in early July, and many users assumed the admins decided to make away with their money. But a new report from The Wall Street Journal claims that AlphaBay was actually taken down in a coo … | Continue reading

@mashable.com | 7 years ago

The End Is Nigh Game you never knew existed

The chamber is dimly lit and smells of damp. On a battered wooden table sits a copy of The End Is Nigh, a brand new game from Super Meat Boy developer, Ed McMillan. Next to that is a dusty VHS player with a post-it note stuck to the front instructing you to "Play me!".>>EXAMINE T … | Continue reading

@eurogamer.net | 7 years ago

Huawei will combine CPU, GPU and AI functions in a chip launching later this year

Consumer Business Group CEO Richard Yu discussed the plans for the new chip during the 2017 China Internet Conference in Beijing. | Continue reading

@androidauthority.com | 7 years ago

Pat Robertson Gives Trump a Pass on Russia

Pat Robertson has been a Cold War Don Quixote for years. He’s been tilting at Russian windmills from atop his nightly perch at the 700 Club for the better part of three decades, as I spent years watching his show with my grandmother and great-grandmother. In between reports on za … | Continue reading

@theatlantic.com | 7 years ago

What Would It Take to Completely Sterilize the Earth?

The odds of finding life on another planet hinge on the answers to two big questions. First, how often does life arise? Second, once it does arise, how likely is it to persist without being completely wiped out? The first question is extremely difficult, especially since we have … | Continue reading

@theatlantic.com | 7 years ago

Are Juvenile Life Sentences Here to Stay?

It’s been more than seven years since the U.S. Supreme Court began to chip away at life-without-parole sentences for juvenile offenders, and lower courts are still wrestling with how to apply the justices’ logic to the American criminal-justice system.Life sentences are an Americ … | Continue reading

@theatlantic.com | 7 years ago

Schnäppchen: Wenn aus einer 100 €-Schreibmaschine eine 45.000 €-Enigma wird

Ein rumänischer Kryptographieprofessor konnte wahrscheinlich seinen Augen nicht trauen, als er auf einem Flohmarkt diesen Kasten sah. Der Verkäufer ging davon aus, es handle sich um eine antike Schreibmaschine. Und so kaufte der Professor das... | Continue reading

@de.engadget.com | 7 years ago

Uber drivers in South Africa are now legally considered employees

South Africa’s Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA) has made a ruling that Uber drivers are now able to form unions, bargain and strike. This effectively means Uber drivers in South Africa are treated like employees, and not independent contractors, as Ub … | Continue reading

@thenextweb.com | 7 years ago

The ‘Worst Deal Ever’ That Actually Wasn’t

Today, the Iran nuclear deal turns two years old. In its critics’ eyes, it has already failed.  President Donald Trump and many of his supporters complain that it has not changed Iran’s regional behavior, pointing to Tehran’s continued support for regional proxies and ongoing bal … | Continue reading

@theatlantic.com | 7 years ago

Bilanz der ADAC-Schutzbrief Versicherungs-AG: 734.000 Hilfeleistungen bei Pannen auf Reisen / 109.000 Fahrzeugrücktransporte / Fast 15.000 verlorene Autoschlüssel (FOTO)

ADAC SE: München (ots) - Der lang ersehnte Urlaub endet für viele Reisende auch in diesem Sommer wenig erholsam. Im vergangenen Jahr stieg die Zahl der Hilfeleistungen für ADAC Plus-Mitglieder bei Pannen, Unfällen, Krankheiten oder Diebstählen um 3,6 Prozent ... | Continue reading

@presseportal.de | 7 years ago

Elon Musk launched x.com and, well, just see it for yourself

Recent news that Elon Musk had bought back his old x.com web domain from PayPal prompted speculation on what, exactly, Musk plans to do with this new asset. Well, now that the x.com site is live, we still don't have any friggin' idea. SEE ALSO: What mysterious plan does Elon Musk … | Continue reading

@mashable.com | 7 years ago

Wall's launches emoji-themed ice cream stunt

Wall's is launching a 'pay by emoji' ice cream van in south London on 16 July, to promote the brand's new 'Snackable' range. | Continue reading

@eventmagazine.co.uk | 7 years ago

Disney offers a first look at Star Wars land

Disney has finally given a first glimpse into its highly anticipated Star Wars lands currently being built in California and Florida, unveiling a 50-foot wide 3D model of the area that will eventually cover about 14 acres. The Star Wars-themed attractions are due to open in 2019 … | Continue reading

@theverge.com | 7 years ago

Emmy Awards 2017: Das sind die Nominierten

In Los Angeles wurden die Nominierungen für die 69. Emmys bekannt gegeben. Der Emmy ist der wichtigste TV-Preis der Welt und innerhalb der letzten Jahre mischten gerade Streaming-Anbieter immer mehr das Business auf. Erstmalig schaffte es Netflix... | Continue reading

@de.engadget.com | 7 years ago

Pokémon Go now has an official ring accessory

Want to up your game in Pokémon Go? How about this official accessory designed to be worn on your finger?Look familiar? It's the Pokémon Go Plus bracelet gadget from last year but now with a ring attached instead of a bracelet. It saves you using two hands, I suppose.The doohicky … | Continue reading

@eurogamer.net | 7 years ago

Permission abused is permission lost

It doesn't matter what your privacy policy says, it doesn't matter when your quarterly results are due and it doesn't matter what the database is telling you... If someone doesn't want to hear from you anymore, you've lost the ability...        | Continue reading

@sethgodin.typepad.com | 7 years ago


 15th July, Shanghai, China, From the founder of Huiyin Blockchain Venture comes the latest innovation in the cryptocurrency ecosystem – Exchange Union Coin [XUC] – a cross-exchange trading token to improve functionality, efficiency and standards of customer service for the digit … | Continue reading

@newsbtc.com | 7 years ago

Indien jetzt Facebook-Land Nummer 1

Facebook hat aktuelle User-Zahlen veröffentlicht. Demnach hat in diesem Jahr erstmalig Indien die USA als das Land mit den meisten Facebook-Usern überholt. 241 Mio. aktive User hat Indien derzeit. In den USA gibt es 240 Mio. aktive Nutzer der... | Continue reading

@de.engadget.com | 7 years ago

F-Secure SENSE at Finland’s 2017 Housing Fair

It’s a well-known fact that Finland is known for cutting-edge and innovative design. Catering to the Finns’ affinity for aesthetics is the country’s annual Housing Fair event, which takes place during the region’s long, summer days that are cherished by both locals and visitors a … | Continue reading

@safeandsavvy.f-secure.com | 7 years ago

Enterprise Ethereum Alliances Unveils New Technical Steering Committee

The Enterprise Ethereum Alliance has formed a new technical steering committee, as well as seven new working groups to tackle "real world" problems.Source | Continue reading

@coindesk.com | 7 years ago

Vertu is dead

 It’s been a long, downward slide for cellphone maker Vertu. The company, founded by Nokia in 1998, was supposed to be a luxury phone provider to the stars and, to a degree, it delivered. They sold the $11,000 phones like expensive watches in boutique stores in tony neighborhoods … | Continue reading

@techcrunch.com | 7 years ago

DASH/USD and LTC/USD Technical Analysis July 14, 2017

Hello and welcome to News BTC’s Market Outlook July 14. DASH/USD DASH initially fell during the day on Thursday, but found enough support near the $170 level to turn around and form a hammer. I think if we continue to see this type of action, we will eventually see the market bui … | Continue reading

@newsbtc.com | 7 years ago

ETH/USD and ETH/BTC Technical Analysis July 14, 2017

Hello and welcome to News BTC’s Market Outlook July 14. ETH/USD Ethereum pulled back during the day on Thursday, as we tested the $200 level. I think there is plenty of support just below though, so given enough time I anticipate that this market will rally and try to go higher. … | Continue reading

@newsbtc.com | 7 years ago

Australia proposes laws to compel tech firms to give access to encrypted messages

(Reuters) — Australia on Friday proposed new laws to compel companies such as U.S. social media giant Facebook and device manufacturer Apple to provide security agencies access to encrypted messages. The measures will be the first in an expected wave of global legislation as pres … | Continue reading

@venturebeat.com | 7 years ago

Radiohead verstecken Retro-App auf neuem Album

Zum 20. Jahrestag ihres Ruf-begründenden Albums OK Computer hat die britische Band Radiohead eine 100 Pfund teure, aufwändige Sonderausgabe namens OKNOTOK herausgebracht.Zum Vinyl-Album gibt es darin ein hübsches Buch, eine Sammlung... | Continue reading

@de.engadget.com | 7 years ago

Deadline to sign up for Startup Battlefield Africa extended by one week

 We’re excited to bring our illustrious startup competition, the Startup Battlefield, to Nairobi, Kenya later this year. And we’re giving you a one-week extension to apply. The Battlefield will feature several prominent startups from the region, each vying to be crowned the most … | Continue reading

@techcrunch.com | 7 years ago