15 Reasons Why Your Attendees Aren’t Loyal

Want more loyal attendees? Think you need to recruit a new type? It’s probably not them, it’s you. Cultivate more return attendees at your events by asking these questions. Loyalty is something all event planners strive for when it comes to recurring events. It takes less marketi … | Continue reading

@eventmanagerblog.com | 8 years ago

How To Use Twitter Advertising To Get In Front Of Attendees

When you’re in the business of organising events, a key part of the job is getting customers through the front door. Leading up to the event, you need to do everything within your power to sell out. Here is why Twitter Advertising is a great option to get extra bums on seats. Alm … | Continue reading

@eventmanagerblog.com | 8 years ago

Hangouts 11 kills merged messages, finally adds video messages

Hangouts 11 adds one long overdue feature and removes another useful one. You can now send videos in chats, but merged conversations have been removed. | Continue reading

@androidauthority.com | 8 years ago

2 years after iOS, Google Hangouts on Android gets video messaging

Google has updated its Hangouts app for Android with the ability to record and send videos to other users. The video is limited to one minute in duration, and you can either record the video directly from the app, or send a previously recorded video. SEE ALSO: Google announces 's … | Continue reading

@mashable.com | 8 years ago

This is what the nightmare of multitasking looks like

Pierre Buttin, like most consumers of technology, does a lot of multitasking. Unlike most, however, he has a digital record to prove it.For one week, the French artist took a screenshot every time he switched apps or tabs on his laptop or smartphone. He then compiled the screensh … | Continue reading

@theverge.com | 8 years ago

Verbraucherschützer: Aufgeblasener Prime-Day bei Amazon

Gestern fand auf Amazon der Prime Day statt. "Die größte Angebotsaktion aller Zeiten" wartete mit Extra-Preisnachlässen von bis zu 50 oder 70 Prozent auf, exklusiv für Amazon Prime-Mitglieder. Die Verbraucherzentrale NRW kritisierte... | Continue reading

@de.engadget.com | 8 years ago

LG Display expects improved fiscal performance in the second half of 2016

A new report indicates that after a rough start to the year, LG Display is expecting the second half to be more successful as LCD revenue increases. | Continue reading

@androidauthority.com | 8 years ago

You can play Pokémon Go without leaving the safety of your home – but you probably shouldn’t

Enjoying Pokémon Go but afraid to wander out into the real world for fear of coming across dead bodies and muggers? Travis D has a solution. The YouTuber has figured out a way to use an Android emulator called BlueStacks to allow you to not only run the app on your PC, but also t … | Continue reading

@thenextweb.com | 8 years ago

Global: Airbnb Open festival heads to LA

Airbnb Open, the brand's annual global event for its community, will take place in LA in November with speakers including actors Ashton Kutcher and Gwyneth Paltrow. | Continue reading

@eventmagazine.co.uk | 8 years ago

Fru review

Picking up any new game for the first time, there's an elementary question of identity. Are you a part of the game's world, or apart from it - protagonist or a glorified spectator, fulcrum or false god or all of these things and more? In Fru - the possibly last, probably greatest … | Continue reading

@eurogamer.net | 8 years ago

AccorHotels übernimmt Fairmont, Raffles und Swissôtel

Nach der Zustimmung der Aktionäre bei der Hauptversammlung ist es offiziell: AccorHotels übernimmt die FRHI Hotels & Resorts mit den drei Luxhotelmarken Fairmont, Raffles und Swissôtel. Ziel der Übernahme ist es, Accorhotels als Marktführer im globalen Luxushotelmarkt zu posititi … | Continue reading

@events-magazin.de | 8 years ago

Hearthstone has a new murloc hero, but you'll need friends to unlock it

Hearthstone has a brand new shaman hero, and it is a murloc - one of Warcraft's tiny amphibians which plague card players in rush decks.But you can't buy Morgl the Oracle. Nor can you work by yourself to unlock him. You'll need a friend.Morgl is the reward for participating in He … | Continue reading

@eurogamer.net | 8 years ago

Die Suche nach Hotels wird schwieriger für Investoren

Jones Lang LaSalle GmbH (JLL): Frankfurt (ots) - Auch zum Halbjahr 2016 bilanziert der deutsche Hotelinvestmentmarkt erfreulich. Hotels in Deutschland sind begehrt, als Einzelstück und im Paket. Mit einem Transaktionsvolumen von rund 2 Mrd. Euro bis zur Jahresmitte zeigt sich ... | Continue reading

@presseportal.de | 8 years ago

To earn our attention, there needs to be tension

The tension of how it might turn out. The tension of possibility. The tension of change. Telegrams used to charge by the word. Say what you need to say, there you go. But stories... stories work because we're not sure.... | Continue reading

@sethgodin.typepad.com | 8 years ago

Spotify’s answer to Beats 1 is a series of artist-hosted radio shows

Swedish streaming service Spotify is launching two new radio shows today, both of which feature musicians talking about the kind of music that they like listening to while they're making their art. The first, AM/PM, will feature artists like electronic music pioneer Jean-Michel J … | Continue reading

@theverge.com | 8 years ago

PokeGone: Nachrichten-Blocker gegen den PoGo-Blitz

Pokémon Go (PoGo) ist, medial betrachtet, so etwas wie Blitz-Meme: So schnell wie Nintendos Augmented-Reality-Spiel hat es ein anfangs eher randseitiges Thema wohl noch nie geschafft, so massiv in alle Munde zu kommen. Und ein Ende des massiven... | Continue reading

@de.engadget.com | 8 years ago

Wiedereröffnung des Flughafens für Zugvögel: Das Naturschutzgebiet Het Zwin an der flämischen Nordseeküste (FOTO)

Tourismus Flandern-Brüssel: Köln/Knokke-Heist (ots) - In völlig neuem Gewand präsentiert sich in diesem Sommer das Naturschutzgebiet Het Zwin. Das im äußersten Norden der flämischen Küstenlandschaft gelegene Areal ermöglicht Besuchern nach einem umfangreichen Umbau, die ... | Continue reading

@presseportal.de | 8 years ago

Entschleunigung - Orte der Entspannung im Tessin (DOKUMENT)

Ticino Turismo: Bellinzona (ots) -- Hinweis: Hintergrundinformationen können kostenlos im pdf-Format unter http://www.presseportal.ch/de/pm/100001962/100790630 heruntergeladen werden - Hinter dem Gotthard beginnt der Süden Europas. Mit jedem Kilometer wird die ... | Continue reading

@presseportal.de | 8 years ago

10 more titles headed to EA Origin Access this summer

This week, EA has added cutesy platformer Unravel and so-so racer Need for Speed to both EA Access on Xbox One and Origin Access on PC. Late… | Continue reading

@eurogamer.net | 8 years ago

Rejoice, trading and sponsored locations are coming to Pokémon GO

Within days of Niantic’s launch of Pokémon GO, the game has set all sorts of records already. Now, according to the latest report, Pokémon GO is set to receive two new features in the near future. | Continue reading

@androidauthority.com | 8 years ago

Apple is launching a reality TV show called Planet of the Apps

Earlier this year, Apple announced it was working on an unscripted reality TV show about app developers. Now, that show has a name (with a pretty good pun): Planet of the Apps. An open casting call launched this week is asking for "100 of the world’s most talented app creators," … | Continue reading

@theverge.com | 8 years ago

Raumsonde Juno: Erstes Foto aus Jupiters Umlaufbahn

Letzte Woche hatte die Raumsonde Juno nach fünfjährigem Flug den Planeten Jupiter erreicht und sich in eine Umlaufbahn zum größten Planeten unseres Sonnensystems begeben, am Wochenende hat dann die JunoCam, die beim heiklen Manöver... | Continue reading

@de.engadget.com | 8 years ago

Pudding chia - co zrobić, aby wyszedł? (kokosowy pudding chia z owocami)

.Idziesz na targ, a tam maliny, truskawki, jagody, borówki, jeżyny, agrest, morele, porzeczki... Tyle dobroci, a brzuch ma się tylko jeden. W takich sytuacjach lubię kupować owocowe mieszanki, które zaspokajają mój apetyt na różne kolory, smaki, faktury. Niedawno zrobiłam sobie p … | Continue reading

@strawberriesfrompoland.blogspot.de | 8 years ago

Nokia and Samsung announce expanded patent licensing deal

Nokia and Samsung are cozying up together for the second time this year after the duo announced an expansion of the patent licensing deal that they agreed back in February. Read More | Continue reading

@techcrunch.com | 8 years ago

Hohe Reise-Stornokosten: Raus aus der Verbraucherfalle! (FOTO)

Alcandia GmbH: Berlin (ots) - Kann eine Urlaubsreise nicht angetreten werden, muss diese nicht storniert werden: Wer die Reise stattdessen weiterverkauft, spart mehrere Hundert Euro. Das Berliner Start-up Alcandia hat einen Online-Marktplatz aufgebaut, auf dem ... | Continue reading

@presseportal.de | 8 years ago

In pictures: Lipton Ice Tea's Extend Your Weekend event series

Film buff and funny man Adam Buxton held his first-ever bike-powered BUG show on Monday (11 July) as part of Lipton Ice Tea's Extend Your Weekend campaign. | Continue reading

@eventmagazine.co.uk | 8 years ago

Europäer geben im Sommer monatlich 270 Euro mehr für Freizeitaktivitäten aus

Tiendeo: Barcelona, Spanien (ots/PRNewswire) - Nach einer Studie von Tiendeo über die Ausgabengewohnheiten von Verbrauchern während der Sommermonate steigen die durchschnittlichen monatlichen Ausgaben für Restaurants und Bars um 165 Euro. Im Sommer suchen ... | Continue reading

@presseportal.de | 8 years ago

Samsung verschickt Einladungen zum Galaxy Note 7-Event

Die Einladung für das Note-Event in New York ist eingetrudelt, und ja, sie ist für das Galaxy Note 7. Es galt als so gut wie sicher, dass Samsung bei der Nummerierung seines kommenden Phablets die „6" überspringen werde, aber nun... | Continue reading

@de.engadget.com | 8 years ago

Chirp for Chrome is the best tool for tweeting quotes from articles

When you want to share your thoughts about an interesting story or blog post, Twitter’ 140 character limit can be a real pain. There’s hardly enough room to describe the context of the story in question, along with your opinion of it and a link to the original post. If you’re usi … | Continue reading

@thenextweb.com | 8 years ago

Kreuzfahrten online direkt buchen - neues Portal gestartet

Reisebüro Nees GmbH: Krombach (ots) - Heute geht ein neues Kreuzfahrt-Portal online: www.kreuzfahrt.de. Das Besondere: Sämtliche Reisen lassen sich online fest buchen. Das Portal hat Schnittstellen zu 19 Reedereien programmiert, die Direktbuchungen bis zur Kabinennummer ... | Continue reading

@presseportal.de | 8 years ago

Hangouts for Android will add video messaging feature that’s been on iOS version for months

A new update for Google’s Hangouts for Android will include the video messaging feature that was added to the iOS version of the app earlier this year. Version of 11 of Hangouts hasn’t been released yet, but 9to5Google spotted a new APK on the Web that indicates the feature is on … | Continue reading

@venturebeat.com | 8 years ago

English National Ballet to host dance workshops at Westfield

The English National Ballet will take over the North Atrium at Westfield London tomorrow (14 July) as part of the Big Dance festival. | Continue reading

@campaignlive.co.uk | 8 years ago

Europäische Tourismusbranche verzeichnet vor Hauptsaison ein anhaltendes Wachstum

The European Travel Commission: Brüssel (ots/PRNewswire) - Die europäische Tourismusbranche erweist sich in problematischen Zeiten als widerstandsfähig. Ein Großteil der Destinationen verzeichnete in den ersten fünf Monaten einen sprunghaften Besucheranstieg ? die Hälfte davon im … | Continue reading

@presseportal.de | 8 years ago

6 Ways to Improve Your Content Marketing Efforts with CTA

Are you a little bit underwhelmed with your content marketing efforts? Are you not seeing the kind of web traffic or conversions that you were expecting? If so, you may need to focus on a very important part of you content marketing strategy that often goes overlooked - the call- … | Continue reading

@alltop | 8 years ago

Google Hangouts for Android gets video messaging support 2 years after the iOS version

At long last, Google has updated its Hangouts messaging app for Android with the ability to record and send videos. The feature has been available on iOS for the past two years, so it’s odd that Google took this long to bring the feature to its own mobile platform. Android Police … | Continue reading

@thenextweb.com | 8 years ago

Android Auto comes to Japan today

Android Auto, Google's system for bouncing Android features from smartphones to in-car entertainment systems, is available in over 30 countries by now, and it just added one of the biggest remaining markets to the list. The system can be used in Japan, the world's third biggest p … | Continue reading

@theverge.com | 8 years ago

The SwagBot is an all-terrain robot that will soon be running the farm

Sorry, Lassie. Your days as a farmer's best friend may be numbered.Salah Sukkarieh, a professor of robotics at Sydney University, is the project lead for agricultural robotics at the Australian Centre for Field Robotics (ACFR). The ACFR, which hosts around 130 researchers and eng … | Continue reading

@mashable.com | 8 years ago

Here’s the perfect launcher for your oversized Android phone

If you’re rocking a large Android phone like the Nexus 6 or the recently-introduced Mi Max that I’m currently reviewing, you’re probably wondering how to make use of all that expansive screen real estate to get the most out of your device. You can start with your homescreen: who … | Continue reading

@thenextweb.com | 8 years ago

Bitcoin Volatility Compared to Pound Sterling

The much anticipated Halving (Reduction in half of the reward given to bitcoin miners) and the Brexit (the exit of the UK from the European Union) are two important events that happened in the middle of this year. Both events brought a lot of speculations, and if we take a look a … | Continue reading

@newsbtc.com | 8 years ago

Google Hangouts on Android can now record and send video

More than two years after it updated its iOS Hangouts app with the ability to record and send video, Google is bringing the feature to the Android version of the software. Hangouts users with Android phones will be soon be able to record and send up to a minute of footage from in … | Continue reading

@theverge.com | 8 years ago

Ethereum Price Technical Analysis – Trend Line As Barrier For ETH

Key Highlights Ethereum price remained under a bearish pressure against the US dollar, and may face sellers in the short term. Yesterday’s highlighted bearish trend line on the hourly chart (data feed via Kraken) of ETH/USD acted as a perfect barrier for the pair and pushed it do … | Continue reading

@newsbtc.com | 8 years ago

Social Traffic: 5 Fresh Ideas to Get More Shares for Your Blog Post

When you spend hours writing and polishing your post, you want to make sure it gets the attention it deserves. Even if you have fantastic content, getting social shares is not that easy. You have to do more than simply place share buttons on your website to get more shares and in … | Continue reading

@alltop | 8 years ago

Tasha Returns! (How To Make A Big Announcement Even Bigger)

John Archibald shows how to break big news with maximum effect when he announced Tasha Kai would re-join Sky Blue FC. | Continue reading

@webinknow.com | 8 years ago

Google’s latest acquisition proves it isn’t killing off Spaces anytime soon

I was intrigued when I first heard about Google’s Spaces tool, which is designed for groups to discuss YouTube videos and files. But when I tried to use it, I just didn’t see the point of it – or rather, I couldn’t be bothered to switch to it from other apps I use for group conve … | Continue reading

@thenextweb.com | 8 years ago

Article: B2B Marketers Increase Sales Enablement, Technology Budgets

Marketers are increasing their investment in sales enablement, and compared to 2015, nearly a third of US B2B marketing and sales professionals said their budgets increased at double-digit rates. | Continue reading

@emarketer.com | 8 years ago

Article: Sales Enablement and Account-Based Marketing Spur Sales Opportunities at Rocket Fuel

Programmatic marketing and media buying company Rocket Fuel has a separate sales enablement group tasked with creating assets and training programs to drive more efficient selling. John Anagnost, senior director of sales strategy and enablement at Rocket Fuel, heads up that team. … | Continue reading

@emarketer.com | 8 years ago

Article: In Germany, Users Spend More Time Online at Work

Internet users in Germany are more likely to spend 4 or more hours online at work than they are at home, by a considerable margin. Meanwhile, nearly two-thirds spend less than 2 hours per day online for personal reasons. | Continue reading

@emarketer.com | 8 years ago

Article: AM/FM Radio Still Leads Music Discovery in Canada

Internet users in Canada aren’t discovering new music on Spotify—or any other streaming option. Nearly two-thirds say they still find new tunes to listen to on the radio—though for daily listening, most turn to digital devices. | Continue reading

@emarketer.com | 8 years ago