TVR Case: Enhancing the Sports News Show

Nowadays, Romanian Television is a public institution that broadcasts on six different channels: TVR 1, TVR 2, TVR 3, TVR Moldova, TVR International and TVR Sport HD (channel that broadcasts in High Definition). TVR covers the most important news events nationwide through its fiv … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Square Enix blames Final Fantasy 14 Stormblood connection issues on a DDoS attack

Square Enix recently released the hotly-anticipated Stormblood expansion for MMO Final Fantasy 14, but its launched was marred by connection issues that prevented players from getting stuck in.Now, Square Enix has blamed those connection issues on an ongoing DDoS attack that bega … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

This Investment is just like buying Bitcoin in 2012

Imagine if you had invested in Bitcoin in 2012. Just five years ago, the price of Bitcoin was $10.50. Today, it’s worth $2600. A small $10,000 investment would have turned into $2.5 Million dollars today. That’s probably more than what you made throughout working your whole life. … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

L-Shaped Home Organized Around a Central Steel Staircase

The two sides of the L-shaped home contain the public functions, facing the yard and wrapped around the outdoor sitting area. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

OnePlus 5 kernel source already available for download

The kernel source for the recently announced OnePlus 5 has been released. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

What Brands Need to Know About Instagram’s New ‘Paid Partnership’ Feature

Learn what Instagram’s new partner tagging feature is, when it’s rolling out and what it means for your paid influencer marketing efforts. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

U.S. ousted by China and Switzerland in supercomputer rankings

The U.S. may need a more powerful supercomputer. Two Chinese supercomputers and an upgraded supercomputer in Switzerland rank ahead of the U.S. in a biannual list of top supercomputers released Monday by the TOP500 organization, which tracks supercomputer speeds. It is only the s … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

I'm not sure what David Cage is trying to say with Detroit

I want Detroit: Become Human to have the balls to have something to say, but I'm worried it'll end up being a game about android resistance that sits on the fence.David Cage, mastermind of divisive PlayStation adventure games Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls, has turned his atten … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Overwatch's Horizon Lunar Colony moon map goes live

Overwatch has released a much-needed new Point A/B Assault map set on the moon. It's Winston's old home, the Horizon Lunar Colony.The grey space-base has lots of enclosed areas with walkways above so getting off the ground and knowing your pathways will be important here. Makes s … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Oscar Health is headed back to New Jersey and branching out to Ohio and Tennessee

 Oscar Health seems to be expanding rather than shrinking in the next year. Despite worries that the Affordable Care Act wasn’t working out for health insurance companies, Oscar has filed to expand in 2018, adding the states of Ohio and Tennessee, expanding in Texas and Californi … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Fake PBoC Digital Currency Project Has Chinese Regulators Concerned

Most cryptocurrency users are well aware of what the PBoC aims to achieve. More specifically, the financial institution is looking to issue a national digital currency. It appears this plan will not come to fruition soon, though. What is worrisome is how a promotion of a fake PBO … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

2017 Mid-Year Content Marketing Checkup

Take a checkup of your content marketing program with these 18 ideas from Content Marketing Institute Founder Joe Pulizzi. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Uniform Law Commission Sets Date for Debate on Digital Currency Regime Rules

The creators of model digital currency regulation for use by US lawmakers are set to convene to discuss key obstacles to their work in July.Source | Continue reading | 7 years ago

What Is the Most Important Ingredient in Your Newsletter Marketing Program?

Plenty of factors go into a successful newsletter marketing program for professional practices. From the list to the distribution to the measurement, there are many more steps and considerations than meet the eye. So what’s the most important factor? | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Trump’s Most Lasting Legacy?

With the investigation into Russia and the Trump campaign, the firing of former FBI Director James Comey, the appointment of Special Counsel Robert Mueller, the already controversial healthcare bill and the never-ending saga of Press Secretary Sean Spicer, it would seem that the … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Für Zwischendurch: Sumo-Roboter und ihre Moves

In einem Reddit-Threat bin ich auf dieses tolle, kurze Video mit einem Auswahl der besten Momente des japanischen Robotersumos gestoßen. Das ist das Videopendant zu Wario Ware: extrem kurze Eruptionen von Initiative. Mein Liebling ist das Titelgif.... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Bitcoin Price Watch; Things Are Hotting Up!

Things are starting to get interesting again in the bitcoin price. After what turned out to be a pretty heavy correction, we had a pretty solid bounce at the start of this week, and this bounce now looks to have turned into a full-blown recovery. The correction has been on our mi … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Uber now lets you tip drivers – but will you?

Uber has finally caught up to its rivals in the ridesharing business with the launch of its latest feature – the ability for riders to pay drivers a tip through the app. Currently being tested in Seattle, Minneapolis, and Houston (with plans to expand across the US and eventually … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Endless runner “Run or Die” now available for Android devices

In Run or Die, you have to make your way through a hazardous city environment and avoid a bunch of obstacles in the process. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Das Einmaleins für unbeschwerten Urlaub / Gesund reisen: ADAC Ambulanzdienst rät zur umfassenden Vorsorge / Hygiene wichtiger Schutz gegen Krankheitserreger (FOTO)

ADAC SE: München (ots) - Eine gründliche Reisevorbereitung reduziert das Risiko, im Urlaub zu erkranken. Darauf weist der ADAC Ambulanzdienst hin, der 2016 in 191 Ländern rund 55.000 Erkrankte oder Verletzte betreut hat. Für vor, während und nach dem Urlaub ... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Bücher auf Reisen: 82 Prozent deutscher Urlauber lesen gern / Umfrage von Opodo analysiert Lesegewohnheiten und neueste Trends (FOTO)

Opodo Deutschland: Hamburg (ots) - Immer ein gutes Buch dabei: Lesen ist eine der beliebtesten Beschäftigungen auf Reise ergab eine aktuelle Opodo-Studie*. 82 Prozent der Deutschen schmökern im Urlaub. Geht es darum was gelesen wird, interessiert sich die Mehrheit (70 ... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Now you can build shared Spotify playlists with your friends in Facebook Messenger

Spotify has launched a new feature for Facebook Messenger that lets you create playlists of songs with your friends. Group Playlists for Messenger uses the existing Spotify Chat extension for Facebook’s app, allowing users to create group playlists, share them with friends, and t … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

A Bitcoin Scaling Upgrade: How It Could Finally Happen (And How It Could Fail)

As various scaling proposal deadlines loom, bitcoin is either on the verge of the biggest change in its history, or its biggest political failure.Source | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Spotify jetzt mit "Sponsored Tracks"

Der Platzhirsch des Musik-Streamings hat damit begonnen, so genannte "sponsored tracks" in Playlisten zu platzieren. Gegenüber Techcrunch hat das Unternehmen dies bereits bestätigt, erklärt jedoch, dass nur solche Kunden diese Songs in... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Samsung working on standalone Gear VR headset with 2,000 ppi display — report

Samsung's upcoming Gear VR headset is rumored to feature an OLED display with a pixel density of 2,000 ppi. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

The Steam Summer Sale 2017 begins tomorrow

The annual Steam Summer Sale begins tomorrow, 22nd June, at 6pm UK time.Digi-bank PayPal broke the news on Twitter with an associated deal of its own: £5 off when you spend £20 on Steam. The end date for PayPal's deal is 5th July, which is probably the end date for the Steam Summ … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Inside the Mind of a Hypocrite

In the wake of the shooting of Louisiana Congressman Steve Scalise, Kellyanne Conway said on Fox News that “You can’t attack people personally in a way and think that tragedies like this won’t happen.”Oh, can’t you? Because if memory serves, her boss is notorious for attacking a … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Worth being afraid of

We're pretty good at finding demons to be afraid of. The other. The one in the shadows. Change. The family member we can't possibly please. Competition. Critics. The invisible network of foes conspiring against us and what we stand for....        | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Twist is Slack without the annoying distractions

 When Slack implemented threaded conversations, it seemed like the holy grail for internal communications. Slack finally lets you talk about multiple things in separate conversations. But Slack remains a real-time messaging service at heart, so threads don’t feel native. It works … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Ja, man kann 'Threes!' gewinnen

Gerade, als man dachte, dass der täuschend einfache, in Wirklichkeit teuflisch verzwickte Puzzler Threes! unschlagbar ist, kommt das Internet und zeigt einem, wie unrecht man hat. Genau Dreieindrittel Jahre nach der Erstveröffentlichung... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

OnePlus 5 is the company’s fastest-selling smartphone

Carl Pei has announced that the OnePlus 5 is the fastest-selling smartphone the company has made to date. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

With iPhone 8 launch looming, electronics firms stock up on memory chips

(Reuters) — Global electronics makers are scrambling to stock up on memory chips to keep production lines running as Apple’s new iPhone 8 launch later this year threatens to worsen a global squeeze on supply. While heavyweights such as Apple and Samsung Electronics Co – which is … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

How to Motivate Yourself (and Others) to Work Late in Events

It can sometimes be a challenge to motivate yourself and other team members to work (another) evening or weekend but here are some motivational tips and incentives to help get everybody on board. Events don’t always take place during traditional working hours, which means that or … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

TrueLayer raises $3M Series A to provide fintech companies with easy access to bank APIs

 TrueLayer, a London startup that’s built a developer platform to make it easy for fintech companies to access bank APIs — and ride the PSD2 gravy train — has raised $3 million in Series A funding. Read More | Continue reading | 7 years ago

European IoT disrupter to expand its business with EIT Digital Accelerator

The thriving German Internet of Things scaleup, SAT4M2M, has joined the EIT Digital Accelerator to benefit from various support, such as preparation for international growth in fast growing markets (Europe, Asia, US) and access to EIT Digital's... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Samsung wird im August das Galaxy Note wiederbeleben

Eine anonyme Quelle hat Reuters mitgeteilt, dass Samsung doch tatsächlich im August mit dem Galaxy-Note-Reihe weitermacht als ob nichts gewesen ist. Demnach werde das koreanische Unternehmen etwa ein Jahr nach dem Marktstart des berüchtigten... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

You can now make Spotify playlists in your group chat

Spotify just released a fresh new feature just in time for your summer.A new update to Spotify's Facebook Messenger extension allows you to create playlists with friends, the company announced on Wednesday.SEE ALSO: You can now share Spotify music inside of Facebook MessengerTo u … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Spotify now lets you build playlists with friends inside Messenger

 Earlier this year, Spotify introduced a new Messenger bot that let users share song clips with friends. Today, the company is expanding on that bot’s functionality to now allow a group of friends to build a playlist together via Messenger – even if not everyone in the group is o … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Uber will finally let riders tip drivers with their smartphone app

Uber has confirmed it will finally allow the drivers on its ride-sharing service to accept tips from riders via its smartphone app. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

IBM creates cabana experience at Cannes Lions Festival

Technology conglomerate IMB has worked with brand experience agency George P Johnson to create an exclusive cabana experience at Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

22 Crazy Global Events

Jump into the bizarre and see what crazy events are going on around the world. Whether it is tradition, culture, fun or revelry, we kid you not, these curious events are real! Events are a great way to celebrate life and create unforgettable memories and experiences. While these … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Even Super Mario Odyssey's demo was stuffed with secrets

It's been a week since I first played Super Mario Odyssey and got a brief glimpse at its brilliantly bizarre worlds - as well as its slightly baffling motio… | Continue reading | 7 years ago

The iPhone was made because Steve Jobs hated this guy at Microsoft

The design of the original iPhone has surprising origin story.The now iconic design came about because of a personal grudge Steve Jobs had against a Microsoft exec.SEE ALSO: The iPhone almost looked completely different, and, well, it's not goodSpeaking at an event Tuesday, Scott … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Dictate: Neue Diktier-App von Microsoft kann was

Microsoft hat Word, Outlook und Powerpoint über ein Cortana-Plugin mit einer Diktierfunktion aufgewertet. Zwar konnte Office schon länger Spracheingaben transkribieren, aber das neue Programm Dictate kann einfach viel mehr: 20 Sprachen versteht... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

ICOO, Leveling the Field for All Crypto-Projects to Raise Funds through Successful Crowdsales

The cryptocurrency industry is probably one of the fastest growing of them all. The sheer number of projects that pop up on a regular basis stands proof of that. Unlike conventional businesses, most of the crypto and blockchain based projects opt for a crowdsale or an ICO to rais … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Sightseeing-Preis-Index: Diese Städten haben die teuersten Touristenattraktionen

Netzsieger: Berlin (ots) - Wer sich in seinem Urlaub für einen Städtetrip und nicht für den Strand entscheidet, erwartet in der Regel Kultur. Ob Museumsbesuch oder Schlossbesichtigung: Touristen, die in den 20 größten Städten Deutschlands die jeweils fünf ... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

DASH/USD and LTC/USD Technical Analysis June 21, 2017

DASH fell against the dollar on Tuesday to settle at the $200 level. Litecoin also struggled against the dollar to settle at the $40 mark. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

ETH/USD and ETH/BTC Technical Analysis June 21, 2017

Hello and welcome to News BTC’s Market Outlook June 21. ETH/USD Etherium did very little during the session on Tuesday, as we continue to grind sideways overall. As the market hovers around the $360 level, I still believe that the buyers will be targeting $400, but we could get s … | Continue reading | 7 years ago