Amazon’s opening up its video platform to anyone to try and attract YouTube stars

Amazon announced a significant addition to its on-demand video offering today in the form of Amazon Video Direct (AVD), which will provide a portal for anyone to upload their own clips and shows. The new content will be made available to Prime subscribers in much the same way as … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Quip has integrated its conversations and ‘living documents’ with Slack

Mobile-first document creation platform Quip is partnering with Slack to aide in real-time collaboration and offer ‘living documents’ in your channels. For teams using Quip, a simple slash-command (like /quip) along with the document title brings those files directly into Slack. … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

I pray to god this water-powered eye massager will stop my eyes rotting out my skull

Conventional wisdom is that if your eyes hurt from staring at screens too long you need to take a break, maybe go outside and have fun looking at objects that aren't two feet away from your face. Well, conventional wisdom never reckoned with the Aurai — a water-filled eye massage … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Ily’s modern family phone is launching on Kickstarter

Insensi has been working hard on a brand new device to make it easier to communicate with other family members. The device, Ily, is a modern take on landline phones that is so easy to use that children and grandparents don’t need directions. Ily is now available on Kickstarter fo … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

What bubble? USV’s Fred Wilson says the future of tech investing remains strong

While many people in the venture community bemoan the near-term fate of the industry, Fred Wilson, the co-founder of Union Square Ventures and one of the architects of the resurgence of New York’s technology sector,In a far-ranging discussion with TechCrunch’s own Jordan Crook, W … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Watch: Ian plays Uncharted 4 multiplayer

Well, the wait is finally over. Wise-cracking, jet-setting, henley shirt-wearing mass-murderer Nathan Drake is back in his latest and last adventure, A Thief's End. Our very own editor Oli Welsh liked the single player campaign enough to award it a Recommended badge, but while he … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

How to Successfully Scale Content in the Travel Space

Scaling content in general is a task. You want quantity without losing quality. Here is how we at CopyPress scale content in the Travel Space... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Pornhub launches bug bounty program with rewards ranging from $50 to $25,000

Online security has hit a new level of importance. Even pornography websites are starting to embrace good practices. Pornhub, the largest porn site on the Internet, today launched a bug bounty program in conjunction with HackerOne. Rewards start at a minimum of $50 and can go up … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Top 10 Takeaways from the B2B Customer Experience Report [Original Research]

We surveyed hundreds of B2B marketers to find out what drives an effective B2B customer experience. Here are the results. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

The Science Behind the Most Popular Infographics [Infographic]

Content - Planning to use infographics in your marketing? Then check out what characteristics the most popular infographics have in common. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Secure Your CEO as a Marketing Champion by Focusing on These Four Areas

General Management - Value creators know how to achieve positive business results and gain CEO support by doing these four things better than anyone else. Here's a look at each area and why ... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Kill These 12 Content Marketing Software Bugs (It's Not What You Think)

Blatant content marketing mistakes such as misspellings and misused terms must be avoided at all costs. Stop using these 12 words and phrases today! | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Congress warned about cybersecurity after attempted ransomware attack on House

Congressional gridlock can usually be blamed on stubborn Representatives and Senators. But a new string of ransomware attacks on the House of Representatives could stall legislation more effectively than party infighting or a filibuster. Read More | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Pornhub’s new ‘bug bounty’ program keeps you looking for kinks (in its security)

Pornhub is known for allowing all kinds of access points, but it’s not cool with all of them. In a partnership with HackerOne, Pornhub is launching a bug bounty program for those who can find security vulnerabilities. The bounty program has been in a quiet beta for some time, wit … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

How To Engage Millennials With Your Brand (Advice From a Millennial Content Writer)

People who aren’t in the Millennial generation view us in one of two ways, according to New York Times contributor and Wall Street Executi[..] | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Why Blizzard can't please everyone playing World of Warcraft

In discussing a World of Warcraft: Legion spider mount that costs a whopping 2m gold, assistant game director Ion Hazzikostas gave a glimpse behind the curtain at what it takes to keep millions of players happy.His long post came after he was called out for saying "the 2m price-t … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Juno thinks it can beat Uber by playing nice

Talmon Marco thinks he knows what it takes to beat Uber in the on-demand ride sharing business. The Israeli entrepreneur, known for co-founding of messenger service, Viber, is launching Juno in New York City “soon.”Marco spoke up with our Ingrid Lunden on stage at TechCrunch Disr … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

What happened when a media exec decided to become an Uber driver for a week

Towards the end of April, Deepak Abbot, an executive from one of India's biggest media houses, decided to try his hand at becoming an Uber driver in Delhi. Over the new few days, he learnt the trials and tribulations of being behind the wheel and chauffeuring other people. See al … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Volvic Juiced plans experiential drive to celebrate summer season

Juicy water brand Volvic Juiced is launching its biggest-ever brand campaign to date, which will include experience-led activity alongside nationwide sampling. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Amazon launches Amazon Video Direct, a self-service program for creators to sell and rent out their videos

Amazon has today announced a new platform that lets creatives and video-makers upload their own videos to rent or sell through Amazon Video. With Amazon Video Direct (AVD), the Internet giant is looking to increase the amount of content available through its online video-streamin … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Social Media and the Secret Lives of Teenagers

American Girls: Social Media and the Secret Lives of Teenagers is an important book to learn how the young generation—both girls & boys—use their smartphones. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Amazon takes on YouTube with launch of Amazon Video Direct

Amazon unveiled its own plans to compete in the user-generated video market with the launch of a new service called Amazon Video Direct in a surprise announcement this morning. This service, explains the company, allows creators to upload their own videos to Amazon’s Prime Video … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Woo your date with Sony's new LED speaker lightbulb

Sony plans to release a new version of its LED speaker lightbulb this month, and while yes, you can use it to simultaneously light your house and play music, the bulb truly shines when you pull it out to wow a date. The company demonstrates some use cases in its promotional video … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Indiegogo acquires Celery to keep selling crowdfunded winners

Indiegogo wants to step out of Kickstarter’s shadow by embracing commerce beyond crowdfunding. That means helping sell pre-orders and finished products from entrepreneurs who are done raising money. So today Indiegogo announced it’s acquired Celery, the “pre-commerce” platform th … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Coinfirm Opens First Blockchain Lab in Central Europe

Blockchain startup has announced the launch of the first Blockchain lab to collaborate on the innovation’s development, research and collaboration in the region. Coinfirm, a Polish blockchain startup has launched the Coinfirm Block Lab, a go-to hub for blockchain deve … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Enter the $1,000 Steam gift card giveaway

Most gamers would likely find a free game pretty cool, but a thousand bucks to spend on any of Steam’s 3,500 games? That’s downright awesome. That’s exactly what you’ll win with The $1,000 Steam Gift Card Giveaway, currently running on TNW Deals. With your $1,000 Steam gift card, … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

ASX Listing Changes Might Affect Bitcoin Startups’ Growth

With the changes being made to the way Bitcoin is taxed in Australia, it appears as of the Australian Securities Exchange will be undergoing changes as well. If this would occur, the new guidelines will have an impact on Bitcoin companies listed on ASX in the future. ASX Regulati … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Finale der 14. Movimentos Festwochen der Autostadt in Wolfsburg / Movimentos 2016 mit gut 24.000 Besuchern erneut quasi ausverkauft / Auslastung liegt bei 97 Prozent (FOTO)

Autostadt GmbH: Wolfsburg (ots) - Mit einer Klassik-Soiree der Violinistin Carolin Widmann enden am heutigen Dienstag, 10. Mai, die 14. Movimentos Festwochen der Autostadt in Wolfsburg. Unter dem Festival-Motto "Liebe" waren vom 2. April bis 10. Mai renommierte ... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Interaktiver Wackelpudding: 3D-Display simuliert jetzt auch Konsistenzen

Vor zwei Jahren haben wir das experimentelle Interface InForm aus dem MIT Media Lab bestaunt, bei dem Stäbchen statt Pixeln zum Einsatz kommen, die ein interaktives 3D-Display bilden. 2014 legten die Forscher dann mit einem Update ihres Dynami... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Budweiser has a new name, and that name is America

Let's just get this out of the way quickly because you're probably not going to understand it the first time I say it: Budweiser is renaming its beer "America." The beer Budweiser will henceforth be known as America. When you gingerly lift a tall boy of Budweiser out of your bode … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Hands-on with the Withings Go: an $80 fitness tracker with an E-Ink display

Withings has just announced that its Go fitness tracker is now on sale for $80. Want to know what this device is all about? We go hands-on to give you the details. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

You can now invite friends to join you on Miitomo via SMS or email

Nintendo's ridiculously popular Android debut, Miitomo, has just been updated to v1.2 to include the ability to invite friends to the game via SMS or email. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

On Substituting Energy for Reason

“Mankind has always sought to substitute energy for reason, as if running faster will give one a better sense of direction.” [Bernard Baruch] Baruch was an American financier, stock investor, philanthropist, statesman, and political consultant. While the quotation above is about … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Amazon's smart home universe: Which Alexa-enabled device is right for you?

The Amazon Echo has become the must-have gadget for your home since it's release in 2016, but in this week's Plugged In, Mashable Tech Correspondent Ray Wong takes a closer look at the newest members of the Alexa family: the Tap and the Echo Dot. While the Echo Dot is half the pr … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Jetlore’s new Layout Generator attempts to solve the personalization conundrum

EXCLUSIVE: Personalization is all the rage in marketing. Why? Because it pays. Personalized emails, videos, and other marketing content consistently produces high returns. But personalization is hard. Marketers want to personalize when they have very little information on the pro … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

FileMaker 15 launches with support for Apple’s latest hardware features

FileMaker, a wholly owned subsidiary of Apple, makes it easy for those without any programming knowledge as well as experienced programmers to build line-of-business apps for the iPhone, iPad, Windows PC and Mac. The product has been around since the 1980s (back then it was calle … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Amazon challenges YouTube by offering uploaders a cut of the ads

Amazon is launching its new Amazon Video Direct service today to let video creators share any content and receive a cut of the revenue. Amazon is offering a variety of ways for creators to earn money, including royalties through streaming by Prime members, and revenue sharing thr … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Uhoo unveils smart air-quality sensor for the home

Uhoo is launching a crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo for a new app-based air-quality sensor for the home. It is the latest gadget to join the trend for the Internet of Things, or making everyday objects smart and connected. Singapore-based Uhoo is raising funding to build its d … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Withings Go review: back to basics, but for 80 bucks

There’s something to be said about a return to simplicity in wearable tech. The category brims with possibilities, but in the current throw-it-all-at-the-wall climate, it’s hard to know which wrist dongle to buy, if any at all. Smartwatches run apps, but in a very limited capacit … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Uncharted 4: everything you need to know before playing

Today Uncharted 4: A Thief's End launches on the PlayStation 4, and, if you believe developer Naughty Dog, it'll be the last adventure for hero Nathan Drake. It's a great game — check out our review to see why — but there are still a handful of issues that mar an otherwise wonder … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

How to Write a High-Converting ‘Start Here’ Page

Beth Hayden shares why a "Start Here" section is important for your digital business and how to turn yours into a high-converting page. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Why the Future of Social Community is Omni-Social

The future of social community is omni-social, combining rented social community on Facebook and beyond with owned social community on your own site. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Which Departments Most Influence B2B Purchase Decisions?

Sales - Between three and five corporate departments weigh in on B2B purchases, on average, according to recent research from LinkedIn. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Face-Off: Overwatch

Overwatch's recent open beta was quite unlike any other. Barring the inclusion of competitive play, users were actually sampling the game in its entirety, with any improvements or alterations set to arrive via future updates. As Blizzard said, aside from some bug-fixes, "the vers … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

HP rolls out a new corporate venture unit

There’s a new corporate venture arm in town.Roughly six months after Hewlett-Packard finalized its division into two companies — Hewlett Packard Enterprise, which focuses on servers, storage, networking, and security; and HP Inc., which continues to sell PCs and printers — the la … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

KAYAK now offers flight information through Amazon's Alexa

KAYAK and Amazon are bringing flight planning to Alexa, the virtual assistant in Amazon's smart home products.Launching Tuesday, the KAYAK integration provides a voice-activated travel service to let users ask about travel options using their voice and an Alexa-enabled device.SEE … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Wallapop and LetGo, two Craigslist rivals, plan merger to take on the U.S. market

Consolidation is afoot in the online classifieds space as two popular startups born in Barcelona are in advanced talks to merge operations in the U.S.. Wallapop and LetGo — which both provide platforms for consumers to post used items for sale and negotiate the sales offline — wo … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Zen Outdoor Living Space – Hilgard Garden

Winner of the 2015 ASLA-NCC Top Residential Design Award, the Hilgard Garden / Outdoor Living Space was designed by Mary Barensfeld ... | Continue reading | 8 years ago