How To Track Your Marketing Objectives To Focus On 10X Growth

How do you set clear marketing objectives and measure progress in Google Analytics to focus on 10X growth? Discover how with this post + step-by-step guide. | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Google’s AMP: The Fun and User-Friendly Guide to Accelerated Mobile Pages

How does Google's AMP Project affect you? Discover what you need to know about Accelerated Mobile Pages and creating mobile-optimized content. | Continue reading | 9 years ago

BMW’s insane car of the future replaces dashboards with augmented reality

BMW is in the midst of celebrating its 100th anniversary, and to mark the occasion, it just rolled out the Vision Next 100 concept at its Munich headquarters. By all appearances, it's one of the most insane concept cars BMW has ever conceived.If you squint your eyes, you can stil … | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Event TV: Behind-the-scenes at the Candy Crush castle with Jack Morton

Suzi Thrift, production director at Jack Morton, revealed how King Digital Entertainment's Candy Crush castle was created during an interview on the structure's launch night (2 March). | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Oliver May wechselt zu HRS

Die Unternehmensgruppe HRS richtet sich unter der Positionierung "HRS Global Hotel Solutions" strategisch aus auf das Geschäft mit global tätigen Großkonzernen. Hierfür wurde auch die Führungsmannschaft erweitert. Die Verantwortung für den MICE-Sektor übernimmt Oliver May als Glo … | Continue reading | 9 years ago

4 Ways to Blow Your Marketing Budget

Are you sinking valuable marketing dollars into methods that won't pay off? | Continue reading | 9 years ago

How to Know if You Care About Your Customers Enough

Guest post by Jay Baer (@jaybaer), author of the new book, Hug Your Haters: How to Embrace Complaints and Keep Your Customers, Let‘s face it: choosing whether or not you hug your haters isn‘t about you knowing how to do so, it‘s about whether doing so aligns with the values of yo … | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Morning Shootaround — March 7

VIDEO: The Fast Break from Sunday’s action around the NBA NEWS OF THE MORNING The Warriors were due for a game like this | Lebron’s tweets can cause nightmares … if you let them | Gentry, Pelicans ready to look to the future? | Curry skeptical he could ever top Kobe’s 81 No. 1: T … | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Genovation GXE: Schnellstes E-Auto mit Straßenzulassung (Video)

Der Genovation GXE ist eine hochgetunte, elektrifizierte Corvette und darf sich nun "schnellstes E-Auto mit Straßenzulassung" nennen. Das bestätigt zumindest die International Mile Racing Association. Die Chevy Corvette schaffte in eine... | Continue reading | 9 years ago

There's a nice surprise waiting for you at the start of The Division

Ubisoft has seemingly kept one rather substantial secret about The Division up its sleeves prior to the launch, with a nice surprise waiting for players in their first moments with the game. Needless to say, should you want to go in unspoiled you should turn away now. The opening … | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Canadian Stock Exchange Hires Bitcoin Wiz to Explore Blockchain Tech

In what is quickly becoming a recurring theme among stock exchanges around the world, the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX) is exploring blockchain technology applications for securities trading and clearing. The foray into understanding blockchain or distributed ledgers, the technolo … | Continue reading | 9 years ago

The Brain Science Behind Business Storytelling

Kendall Haven, story consultant and pioneer in the neural and cognitive science of story, joins the Business of Story Podcast to share the latest discoveries in the field and to illustrate how to merge themes and messages into powerful story architecture. | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Content Marketing Operations: Best Practices to Calm the Chaos

Here are some best practices that will serve every company in building a content marketing operation that tames the beast of content marketing chaos. | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Neue Impulse in EMEA: Wyndham Hotel Group bringt Super 8 nach Deutschland (FOTO)

Wyndham Hotel Group: Berlin (ots) - Das EMEA-Portfolio der Wyndham Hotel Group ist stärker als je zuvor. 2015 wurde mit 38 neuen Hotels und damit insgesamt 440 Hotels in der EMEA-Region bereits ein deutliches Wachstum erreicht. Diese Dynamik wird sich auch 2016 ... | Continue reading | 9 years ago

HTC 10 spotted again in new renders

Leaked renders of the upcoming HTC 10 flagship show of four possible color options and a curved metal unibody design. | Continue reading | 9 years ago

IST unter den Top-Instituten in Deutschland

Die IST-Hochschule und das IST-Studieninstitut gehören zu den beliebtesten Fernhochschulen und Fernschulen Deutschlands. Das ist das Ergebnis des FernstudiumCheck Reports 2015/2016 des Bewertungsportals, für den fast 10.000 Erfahrungsberichte und Bewertungen v … | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Property Partner lands £15.9M to scale up real estate crowdfunding platform

In any conversation I have about London’s fintech space, property crowdfunding platform Property Parter is almost certain to come up. The startup which lets you invest from as little as £50 in residential property — or the so-called the ‘buy to let’ market, as it’s called here in … | Continue reading | 9 years ago

BBVA continues its fintech acquisition run, buys Holvi, an online-only business bank

Spanish banking giant BBVA has made another M&A play as it looks for a bigger role in the next generation of financial services: today the company has announced the acquisition of Holvi, an online-only bank for entrepreneurs and SMBs based out of Finland. (“Holvi” means “vault” i … | Continue reading | 9 years ago

How to Engage Readers AND Grow Your Reader Base

Continue reading | 9 years ago

King of SaaS, Tom Tunguz on the perfect time for investing and the impact of late stage investors

Last week following volatility in global stock markets, I had the opportunity to check in with Tom Tunguz to discuss macro-economics and the public markets and explore the wider implications of their effects on early stage startups. Read More | Continue reading | 9 years ago

First Click: Google AI vs. Go, Galaxy S7 vs. S7 Edge, and more in the week ahead

Google’s DeepMind will be taking on the world’s best Go player this week in what’s shaping up to be the 21st century’s take on Deep Blue vs. Garry Kasparov — the 1997 event that saw a reigning world chess champion defeated by a computer. The ancient Chinese board game of Go, howe … | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Google gets 113,668 copyright takedown requests an hour in game of cat and pirate

Google’s playing a cat and mouse game with link-sharers on the Web and the search giant is increasingly swamped with takedown requests from rights holders, or those acting on behalf of them, mainly in the music and film industries. In the company’s latest copyright transparency r … | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Am 17 März: Tablet-Nachschub für Aldi Süd

Medion bringt zum 17. März ein neues Tablet in die Aldi-Süd-Filialen. Das 10"-Gerät S10366 läuft mit einem Atom-Prozessor von Intel, hat 2 GB RAM, 32 GB Speicher (erweiterbar) und Kameras mit 5 bzw. 2 Megapixeln. Als OS kommt An... | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Warsztaty ziołowo-kosmetyczne (19-20 marca)

Dzień dobry! W końcu nadszedł ten dzień i mogę Cię zaprosić na pierwsze w tym roku warsztaty ziołowo-kosmetyczne u mnie w domu!:) Tym razem... | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Sony Xperia Z3 Plus and Z4 Tablet receive Marshmallow

Along with the Marshmallow update for its Xperia Z5, Sony has begun rolling out a similar update for its Xperia Z3 Plus and Z4 Tablet. | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Car Computer Raspberry Pi 3 Upgrade

Recently I wrote about my car computer project based on the Raspberry Pi 2. The performance while acceptable in most situations, would drop and get noticeably sluggish during resource intensive activities such as processing large play queues or music directories. The free space a … | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Franz for Mac puts all your chat services in a single place

It feels like my life is constantly being invaded by new chat apps that don’t work together, so I have far too many windows open at any given time to accommodate them all. Franz, a new app by Vienna-based designer Stefan Malzner, tries to fix that by putting as many services as p … | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Spain’s BBVA acquires Finnish online banking startup Holvi to keep its finger on the pulse of fintech innovation

Spanish multinational banking giant BBVA has acquired yet another online banking startup in the form of Holvi, a Finnish firm that specializes in providing online current accounts and related services for “makers and doers” — small businesses, freelancers, and entrepreneurs. The … | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Roewe City SUV: Alibaba stellt im April erstes Smart Car vor

Im letzten Jahr hat Alibaba gemeinsam mit dem chinesischen Autohersteller SAIC Motor eine 160 Mio. Dollar gemeinsame Investition angekündigt. Es sollte ein smartes Auto entwickelt werden. Nun wurde bekannt, dass im April auf der Beijing Motor... | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Next-gen business bank Holvi has been acquired by Spain’s BBVA

Spanish banking group BBVA has acquired much lauded European business banking startup Holvi, both companies have announced today. Holvi, which pitches itself as a next-gen bank for entrepreneurs, freelancers and small businesses, will continue to operate separately but BBVA says … | Continue reading | 9 years ago

MIT Bitcoin Expo Explores Emerging Market Challenges And Opportunities

The second day of the MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Bitcoin Expo in Cambridge, Mass. featured speakers on a variety of topics ranging from technical issues like the size of the blockchain to social concerns like social inequities that technology perpetuates, accordi … | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Remedy still in talks about Alan Wake 2

Remedy is still actively discussing a sequel to 2010's Alan Wake, and is keen to return to the world of fictional horror writer. The Finnish studio's desire to make a follow-up to the Xbox 360 original has been an open secret for years, and the recent trademarking of 'Alan Wake R … | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Apple vs FBI: Lavabit warns FBI’s “extraordinary” action may drive US businesses offshore

Lavabit, the former encrypted email provider that shut down its service in 2013 after the FBI demanded its encryption keys, has filed an amicus brief in support of Apple in its legal battle with the agency. Read More | Continue reading | 9 years ago

The Division leaks point to Destiny-style Light level system

Destiny players may recognise something very familiar in The Division - a Light level system for when you pass the game's main level cap.Hit The Division's soft level cap of 30 and you'll still be able to progress your character further by picking up top-level gear.You will then … | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Broad content doesn’t work: A narrow focus is key

Today, let's talk about the fact that you can no longer get away with the spray-and-pray tactic of producing lots of content without emphasizing quality. | Continue reading | 9 years ago

5 Things Expert EventProfs Do To Boost Networking

Networking is one of the main reasons people attend your event, meeting, or conference. As event professionals, we want to ensure we are creating a valuable, inclusive experience for everyone to ensure success. Here are 5 steps event planners should take to create a perfect storm … | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Leittusche, Inkjet - schon ist der Fingerscanner überlistet

Fingerabdruckscanner (für mich ab jetzt: Fingerscanner) schalten moderne Handys frei, winken Online-Zahlungen ab und weisen immer öfter Nutzer vor entfernten Instanzen aus. Kein Wunder, sie funktionieren schnell und zuverlässig. Scho... | Continue reading | 9 years ago

LinkedIn: 31 Sophisticated Content Marketing Thought Leaders to Follow

The team at LinkedIn Marketing Solutions (client) recently published a fantastic resource for content marketing called The Sophisticated Marketers Guide to Content Marketing for 2016. At Content Marketing World 2014, LinkedIn's Jonathan Lister proclaimed that LinkedIn was "All in … | Continue reading | 9 years ago

The dominant narrative

Life is filled with nuance. Our ability to perceive things, not so much. We come up with a story (about an organization, a person, a situation) and all the data that supports it, we notice, and the nuance we discount... | Continue reading | 9 years ago

26 of the best tech stories you missed this weekend

With the year zipping by at a healthy clip already, it’s easy to get caught up in the little things in life that suck all your time. Like work, chores, having fun, looking after your kids, painting the fence and everything else that a weekend throws up. And while they all have th … | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Event TV: Land Rover lets kids design Discovery Sport for Mother's Day

Land Rover marked the production of its 100,000th Discovery Sport model by presenting a family with a personalised Mother's Day surprise. | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Marshmallow for the Xperia Z5 rolling out today

Users are reporting that Android 6.0 Marshmallow updates are now rolling out for the E6653, E6683, and E6603 Sony Xperia Z5 models across the globe. | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Video: how did Samsung make the Galaxy S7 water resistant?

One of the coolest features of the Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S7 Edge is their water resistance. But how is this water resistance accomplished? | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Why Your Inbound Marketing Campaign is Failing

If like most beginners you’re struggling with your inbound strategy, you need not to despair. In fact, the worst thing that you could do is to give up. What you need at this stage is to identify where you could be going wrong and find ways of getting back on track. When looking f … | Continue reading

@alltop | 9 years ago

Weniger Flugreisen geplant, mehr Bahnfahrten

Geschäftsreisende werden in Deutschland zukünftig wohl weniger mit dem Flugzeug unterwegs sein, als das in den letzten Jahren der Fall war. Dafür wird voraussichtlich der Bahnanteil deutlich steigen. Dies zeigen die ersten vorläufigen Ergebnisse der VDR-Geschäftsreiseanalyse 2016 … | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Hamburg startet in die zweite Ferienwoche / Stauprognose für das Wochenende 11. bis 13. März

ADAC: München (ots) - Auf den Fernstraßen in Deutschland geht es an diesem Wochenende meist staufrei vorwärts. Hamburg startet zwar in die zweite Woche der Frühlingsferien, aber der dichte Reiseverkehr in die Wintersportgebiete ebbt vor Beginn der ... | Continue reading | 9 years ago

This writing app will delete your work if you stop typing

Starting to write, whether it’s a novel or a blog post, can be daunting even for experienced authors. The fear of penning thoughts that don’t immediately make sense or stringing together all-but-unreadable sentences, and thus concluding that you’re a failure, is real. That’s wher … | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Discover how a 23-year-old went from failed startup to $3 billion revenue retail sensation

It began with a simple idea: to offer the German public a convenient way to order shoes online. Fresh out of business school – and unhindered by an unsuccessful attempt at a social media startup – Robert Gentz and David Schneider founded Zalando. Seven years later and their compa … | Continue reading | 9 years ago