Noc Świętojańska i tarta z botwinką, szparagami i fetą

* * * Noc Świętojańska kojarzyła mi się zawsze z czarami, magią i słynnym kwiatem paproci. Plotłam z moją przyjaciółką Anią warkocz z mleczy i obie szłyśmy na festyn organizowany przez radę dzielnicy Orłowa tuż przy dworku Żeromskiego. Tam już były pozostałe koleżanki i koledzy z … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Respawn talks Titanfall 2 and that Call of Duty remaster

The boys from Respawn are back. By the time Titanfall 2 launches, it will have been two-and-a half years since their mech-focused first-person shooter first touched down on Xbox One. Titanfall 2 makes the franchise - finally - multiplatform. Not just PC but PlayStation 4, too. Th … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Apple eyeing touch controls to extend the power of the stylus

Apple has been looking at ways to extend the control power of stylus input methods, patenting a touch sensitive stylus which could allow for users to manipulate on screen objects depending on how and where they place their fingers on the stylus shaft itself. Read More | Continue reading | 8 years ago

10 startups that will make you reimagine VR, AR and mixed reality

SPONSORED: This sponsored post is produced by BeMyApp. Stimulating the senses with something non-existent is what all the fuss has been about this year.  From flooding the floors at CES in January to lines wrapping around the halls at GDC, virtual reality has been going through a … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Xiaomi's cheap, foldable electric bike looks perfect for city commutes

Xiaomi continues to push the message that it's not just a phone company — it's a technology company. Over the past year or so the company has launched various internet-connected devices, including air purifiers, wearables, rice cookers, and kettles. And it's latest? A folding ele … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

SecurityScorecard raises $20 million from Google Ventures

SecurityScorecard, the platform that monitors and assesses companies’ cybersecurity strength, has raised $20 million in Series B funding from GV (the Alphabet-ized new name for Google Ventures). GV led the funding round, which includes investments from previous SecurityScorecard … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Craft for Sketch redesign adds JSON so designers feel more like developers

InVision is making a few changes to its Craft suite of plugins for Sketch that could have designers working more like developers. Specifically, a new ‘Data’ plugin for Craft will let designers access JSON info from public APIs including text and photos. It also gathers a few exis … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Kaszotto z kurczakiem, bobem i cukinią

Kasza pęczak w towarzystwie zielonych warzyw: bobu, cukinii i szpinaku. Świetne także w wersji wegańskiej - bez kurczaka - bo bób to przecież bardzo dobre źródło białka. Polecam :-) | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Ios 10: Apple verschlüsselte Kernel-Cache absichtlich nicht

Warum stand Apples Kernel-Code (genau: der Cache des Codes) für iOS 10 sperrangelweit offen in der letzten Vorab-Veröffentlichung? TechCrunch hat von Apple eine Antwort bekommen: Das war Absicht!"Der Kernel-Cache enthält keine Nutzerinformationen.... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Customer Experience vs User Experience: Why the difference matters

User experience is not the same as customer experience. While most designers directly influence the UX, they also need to understand the larger context of the CX. The customer experience represents every step of the journey from when users are running price comparisons, to when u … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Urlaubstrends: Top-Schnäppchen in der Türkei, spontan und flexibel ans westliche Mittelmeer

LTUR: Baden-Baden (ots) - In dieser Woche starten in den ersten Bundesländern die Sommerferien. Die Reiselust der Deutschen ist ungebrochen. Viele entscheiden dieses Mal jedoch deutlich später als sonst, wo sie ihren Urlaub verbringen. "Die kurzfristige ... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Xiaomi Mi 5s will have a pressure-sensitive display and ultrasonic fingerprint sensor

Xiaomi is reportedly putting an ultrasonic fingerprint scanner and pressure-sensitive display on its updated Mi 5s flagship later this year. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

The Nintendo 64 turns 20 today

The N64 launched 20 years ago today in Japan.Nintendo's console came out there on 23rd June 1996. It didn't launch in Europe until 1st March 1997 - almost a year later.N64 is probably best remembered for the wonderful Nintendo-made games it housed, including the groundbreaking Su … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Snapchat, for people who don’t understand Snapchat

Snapchat has an age limit. But it isn’t set by asking you for your birthday. It is set through an interface that is so confusing you need to be young to get it. I both hate and love that. I hated it because I didn’t get the interface, which made me realize I’m getting old. I love … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Opera says it crushes Microsoft in browser battery wars

The browser battery wars are heating up. Microsoft made a bold claim earlier this week that its new Edge browser in Windows 10 is better for your laptop's battery life than Opera or Chrome. While everyone who uses Chrome is aware of the bad effect on battery life, Opera introduce … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Search Marketing at its Finest: A Preview to #MNSummit 2016

The TopRank Marketing team will be attending and live blogging the upcoming MNSearch Summit. Follow along to see what we're most excited about. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Telekom startet WiFi-Telefonie

Es ist noch gar nicht so lange her, da schloß die Deutsche Telekom WiFi-Telefonie mit dem Smartphone kategorisch aus. Nun der Richtungswechsel. Mit dem Start von WLAN Call startet der Netzbetreiber genau diesen Service. Davon profitieren können... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Xiaomi launches a smart folding bicycle for China's busy city roads

Chinese company Xiaomi is launching an electric-powered folding bicycle for the country's congested city roads. Mi QiCycle Electric Folding Bike hasn't been developed by Xiaomi itself, but by iRiding, a Taiwanese company backed by Xiaomi. SEE ALSO: Inside Xiaomi's plan to dominat … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Bitcoin Price Watch; Finally Some Support?

Nothing seems to be offering up much support in the bitcoin price at the moment, and each time we come to set up against the market with a fresh morning analysis, we end up looking at early morning lows. Whether this will continue as we head into the weekend remains to be seen, b … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Honor 5X is now getting Marshmallow and EMUI 4

Honor promised the 5X would get an update to Marshmallow and now it’s finally making good on its promise. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Spaniens wilder Norden / Im neuen ADAC Reisemagazin Baskenland werden die vielen regionalen Attraktionen beleuchtet

ADAC: München (ots) - Das Baskenland ist anders - modern, innovativ und auch traditionell. Was das Geheimnis des wilden Nordens Spaniens ist, dem sind Redakteure im neuen ADAC Reisemagazin in vielen Facetten nachgegangen. Pilgertour mit fünf Frauen, 27 ... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

5 Tips to Get Your Brand Listed on Top Lists

Let's look at some tips that will help you get your bran mentioned on those list sites and you can get their traffic streaming towards your site. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Video calls in Brooklyn libraries will put inmates in touch with their families

The Brooklyn Public Library has been awarded a grant for nearly $400,000 to place inmate video calling services in a dozen libraries, giving inmates' friends and family members a new way to stay in contact. Continue reading… | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Sommerreise 2016: Mehr Baustellen und mehr Staus / Gut 30 Prozent mehr Autobahnbaustellen als 2015 / linker Fahrstreifen in Baustellen für breite Autos tabu (FOTO)

ADAC: München (ots) - Die Fahrt mit dem Auto in den Sommerurlaub dürfte in diesem Jahr zäher und schleppender voran gehen als im vergangenen Sommer. Laut ADAC sind derzeit auf den deutschen Autobahnen 575 Baustellen eingerichtet - 32 Prozent mehr als im ... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Deutschlandurlaub bei Deutschen immer beliebter: 2 von 3 verreisen gerne im eigenen Land - die Mehrheit davon um zu sparen

Berlin / Amsterdam (ots) - - Bayern ist Lieblingsziel der Deutschen: Jeder Zweite macht dort gerne Urlaub - Durchschnittlich 1.709 Euro gibt jeder Bundesbürger pro Jahr für... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

The UK's two biggest video game magazine companies are now one

The UK's two biggest video game magazine companies are now one.Future Publishing, which makes veteran video game industry magazine Edge, announced today it had bought Imagine Publishing, which makes GamesTM, in an all share deal valued at £14.2m.The surprise deal marries two long … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Yamaha: Die Zukunft ist ein Öko-Golf-Ressort

Es ist schon eine gute Weile her, dass uns hier Konzeptvehikel aus dem Hause Yamaha unterkamen, und seitdem scheint das Unternehmen fleißig an seiner Mobilitäts-Vision gefeilt zu haben, jedenfalls wurde den aktuellen Designs das Hightech-Plaste-Flair... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

I don’t know why our business is growing

On my way to the co-working space, I grabbed my mobile to read the same Slack message yet another time: Ali, that’s good, but we should look at what converts. It never failed. It was either a client or a colleague on the same marketing team. There was always someone who never mis … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Call for the expression of interest addressed to clusters, business networks, technology centres, R&D centres, innovation hubs and science parks

Towards European Strategic Cluster Partnerships (ESCP) for smart specialization investments A new call for the expression of interest has been launched by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs. Its main objective is … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Huawei is working on its own mobile OS in case things sour with Google

Huawei, the world's third largest smartphone manufacturer, is reportedly developing its own mobile OS. Phones made by the Chinese manufacturer currently run on the company's Android skin, EMUI, but according to a report from The Information Huawei is building an alternative OS in … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Rumor: Xiaomi is working on its own Note Edge

A new rumor out of China indicates that Xiaomi is planning to release three different Mi Note 2 products. One a standard offering, one a higher end product, and the final the best of the bunch complete with an Edge Display. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

„Dzień dobry” Małgosi Minty i „Ziarno” Dominiki Wójciak

Kiedyś mój stosunek do książek kucharskich mogłam śmiało określić jako ekstatyczny. Wystarczyło wpuścić mnie za granicą do księgarni na dział książek do gotowania, a wpadałam w amok i potrafiłam wyjść z dziesięcioma tomami. Niewiele potrzebowałam, żeby wpaść w zachwyt. Ale kiedy … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Delta holds Baseline Sessions at W Hotel London

Delta Air Lines brought its Baseline Sessions to the W Hotel, Leicester Square last night, with a performance by the world's number one tennis player, Serena Williams. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Opera hits back at Microsoft over browser battery life tests

Earlier this week, Microsoft showed that its Edge browser consumed less battery life on laptops than rivals like Chrome, Opera and Firefox. The company claimed to get between 36 and 53 percent more battery life with Edge in its comparison test. But Opera, which introduced a power … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

„Sharing Economy“ in der Beherbergung

Die Autoren des folgenden Beitrages, Dr. Peter Laimer (Mitglied der Plattform Tourismusforschung) und Mag.(FH) Jürgen Weiß von der Statistik Austria, widmen sich für die Tourismusforschung besonders spannenden Punkten der „Sharing Economy“ in der touristischen Beherbergung. Sie z … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Ribena to launch pop-up colouring cafe

Suntory-owned soft drinks brand Ribena is hosting a one-day pop-up colouring cafe in central London, ahead of an experiential event that will be unveiled that same evening. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Watch: The big plan for Civilization 6

Whenever we talk about Civilization 5, we talk about its expansions. Most fans credit Gods & Kings and Brave New World with transforming what was a good game into a great one. Those same fans are now delighted to hear that Ed Beach, the lead designer on both of those expansions, … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Chłodnik litewski

Tradycyjny chłodnik litewski z botwinki, na zsiadłym mleku, z dodatkiem ogórka, koperku i szczypiorku. Bardzo smaczny i przyjemnie chłodzący, przechowywany w lodówce długo zachowuje świeżość. Podawany z pysznymi młodymi ziemniakami z koperkiem oraz ugotowanym jajkiem. Wegetariańs … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Converse baut ein Wah-Wah-Pedal in einen Sneaker (Video)

Mit dem guten alten Turnschuh kann man allerhand komische Dinge anstellen, heute eine neue Folge aus der beliebten Reihe "Sound am Körper". Bereits vor drei Jahren bohrten die Designer von Critical Mass einen Converse-Sneaker auf, um ein Wah-Wah-Pedal... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

In pictures: Giffgaff's interactive billboard in Brick Lane

Visitors to London's Brick Lane were plunged into a dramatic, funny and immersive street theatre performance as they interacted with a giant billboard on Tuesday (21 June). | Continue reading | 8 years ago

PayPal Support is Coming to Coinbase

Exciting times are afoot in the Bitcoin world on a nearly daily basis. Coinbase, also known as GDAX these days, has added support for PayPal and credit cards to their platform. Buying and selling Bitcoin has never been easier or more convenient than it is right now. Before people … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

3 Effective Ways to Sell More Tickets, Backed by Data

This is a sponsored post written by Mark Kelliher, Marketing Manager UK, ticketscript. More information about Event Manager Blog’s sponsored posts. Data can help you sell more tickets. FACT. Here are 3 tactics event planners need to know about. The collection of customer data is … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

G2A and tinyBuild's row over PC game key reselling gets ugly

The row between G2A and tinyBuild over PC game key reselling is getting ugly, with accusations of blackmail and ultimatums flying around.To recap: earlier this week tinyBuild claimed G2A, a popular PC key-reselling website, sold nearly half a million dollars' worth of its games - … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Report: Huawei is lowering its 2016 sales forecast by 40M

A new report out of China indicates that Huawei's 2016 sales target of 160 million phones is being revised down to just 120M instead. The reason? Ironically its high end products may be too expensive. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Japan’s e-commerce leader Rakuten gets into agriculture tech

Rakuten may be cutting back its e-commerce business in Europe and Southeast Asia, but, at home in Japan, the internet giant is stepping into a new field — quite literally — after it invested in an agriculture tech company for the first. Read More | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Pakistani Singer Shot Dead in Karachi

Unidentified gunmen on a motorbike shot and killed Amjad Sabri, one of Pakistan's most famous musicians, police officials said Wednesday. Photo: Associated Press | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Investitionsbilanz erstes Halbjahr

Die Konjunkturlokomotive Tourismus nimmt wieder Fahrt auf. Das vonseiten des BMWFW und des ERP-Fonds im ersten Halbjahr vergebene Kreditvolumen hat gegenüber dem Vorjahr um 89 % zugelegt und erreicht damit einen Rekordwert von knapp 100 Mio. Euro. Die Investitionslaune hat sich n … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Mastercard to create 'Priceless' experiences at Goodwood Festival of Speed

Mastercard aims to tap into its cardholders' passion for motoring, having signed a four-year sponsorship agreement with Goodwood. | Continue reading | 8 years ago